Sunday, December 27, 2009

When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I don't know If i'm making milk or not...I'm not leaking anyways. But my cousins girlfriend started leaking at like 28 or 29 weeks and so did my friend. Is it possible for a women to just not make any milk? Do you think I'm fine and is it just different w/ each girl?When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?
Your milk comes in about 3 days after birth, sometimes 5 days for c-section moms. Until then, your body is making colustrum, which is PACKED with antibodies for your baby. It's a clear to yellowish fluid, sometimes a little cloudy in color. If you squeeze your nipples you should be able to see some droplets. But you have to squeeze right behind your nipple, on the areola. The nipple itself doesn't really have much to do with let down, it's the area immediatly behind it, which is why when your munchkin latches on you need to make sure s/he has most of your areola in their mouth or they aren't going to get much and you're going to get sore cracked nipples. If it hurts when your baby begins nursing, you need to get a better latch. That's why your nipples and areola darken in pregnancy. It's natures way of giving baby a more visible target.When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?
I did not leak at ALL with my first pregnancy, or this one yet. And I had no trouble nursing when the time came.
After the placenta is ejected from the body the milk production begins..
You dont actually produce milk till after the baby is born. You produce colustrum(spelling) as early as 14weeks. I wouldnt worry everyone is different.
Perfectly normal. Milk production is spurred by the drop in progesterone and high prolactin levels after the birth of the baby. Prolactin will continue to be elevated as the baby suckles or it will drop if he/she does not. Congratulations and happy motherhood!鈥?/a>
Well I started leaking with my first at I believe 7 months pregnant but that is just pre-milk it's not actually milk. You don't actually start making milk till a couple days after the baby is born.
yes its different with each girl. i'm 15 weeks, almost 16. and i started leaking some clear fluids just yesterday! it freaked me out. but just to be sure its not something else that is making you not produceing ask your doctor.
not all woment leak for instance i leaked when i was 4 months with my son and now i dont leak but a lil bit sometimes. everyone is different and your body naturally produces milk. ask your dr if you not for sure. i think that your fine. good luck with your lil one
Your breast should feel tender right away from the new hormones in your body- and if you squeeze them you may be able to get a little bit out- but for me mine didn't come in fully until after I gave birth- I woke up in the middle of the night with GIANT boobies!!! It was a little strange-
Honey, His girlfriend is leak pre-milk (i forget what it's called). Milk comes AFTER the baby; it can come the day you give birth up to a week or two late. I leaked at four months and got my milk the day I had my son... It sucked leaking for all those months, you are actually very lucky!

Good luck and don't compare yourself to other pregnant woman, everyone is different!
some women leak colostrum during pregnancy and some don't. It really doesn't make a difference in the end as to your milk production capabilities. I didn't leak at all and I had sooo much milk! My son is 2 years old and I'm STILL producing a little milk....and I'm not breastfeeding.
Your milk doesnt come in until after you have your baby usally a couple days later....not all pregnant women leak while being pregnant...I didn't with my 1 st but did with my second....leaking while pregnant doesn't mean you won't make milk to breastfeed with.....I leaked with the 2nd and I am breastfeeding and I have a ton of milk....
Yes, some women do not make milk - but that is rare.

It is fine that you are not leaking - don't worry about it! It will be there when your baby needs it.
Relax. You will make milk when it's time.Not every woman leaks during pregnancy, but almost every woman is able to make milk! If we couldn't, the human race would have died out.
Its different with everyone, But most women dont actually have their milk come in until a few days after the baby is born. So I wouldnt stress out about it.
mine never came in until a week after my baby was born, every woman is different

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