Sunday, December 27, 2009

How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?

Whenever I need to decide on something i always stood confused because both sides seeems true.How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?
You can't overcome your sense of uncertainty, it's just the way you work. Many famous people were the same way. Albert Einstein, for example. In school, his teachers thought he was stupid because he couldn't decide an answer to their questions. He had to see all the facts before he saw clarity in one side, and that is why he was so brilliant, is because he had a mental capacity to analyze what others didn't. Same goes with you.

I'm this way too, and I've just learned to accept the way I am, and use it to my advantage. (career choices, friends I keep, etc.)How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?
There is no right answers when making a decision. Today this looks right and tomorrow that looks even righter. Ever hear the saying one mans meat is another mans poison.

Nothing is right or wrong, but something can be right for the moment or as they say right for right now. If you are looking to make long term decisions that you feel are correct and since life is always changing, all decisions are potentially risky.What's best is to be sensible and willing to adapt new points of view and not to be closed off. The longer you live the more you will overcome your sense of uncertainty.
Many times, both sides are true this is difficult for the high functioner, due to several factors. I found one factor myself, but I doubt you will vote this answer #1. Not many people believe me when I tell them that I am a Celiac.

Now celiac can run in any level of intelligence. They say celiacs is just a gut disease. It is not. The science behind food allergy and genetic testing, is obviously a minor conspiracy theory. I can tell you I have scientifically and accurately defined these theories. I can't get anyone to believe the FDA isn't always looking out for our best interests.

People of high intelligence, often have the same problems like you, and the last answer albert einstein.But Einsteins are becoming a dime a dozen as fast as we blink our eyes.

So to answer your question, to improve your clarity, you need to increase the flow of blood to your mind organ. The Brain.

Now 43% of the general population of the USA hold the genes used to identify, gluten intolerance. 35% of the population have dysfunctions related to celiacs. ( same thing) and an estimated 1 in 133 have what is known as celiac sprue, lucky me. That is nearly 1% of the public of the USA have a potentially deadly and severely painful gut malfunction.

What most people do not know, is that even though you are not in celiac sprue, consuming the allergen during times of high stress, will slow the absorption rate, even if you are not in active sprue. Absorption is obviously your bodies ability to absorb neutients to feed your organs and bodily functions. Keep in mind, you mind is operated by an organ known as the brain.

The result in me was drastic. I suffered severe sprue. You may not have the same drastic recovery I felt. The only way to disribe the change is to leave behind the foggy anxieties, to be replaced with clear confidence, is what I experienced.

If you want to follow a source trail, found by me, the son of a retired senior pharmaceutical lobbyist, and many other self diagnosed celiacs, it will take time to find the list of associated diseases and even longer to read this list. I will give you a brief mispelled few.

Diabetes, asthma, lupus, parkinson's, epilepsy, terret's, all mental health, I repeat all forms of mental health, ADHD to Autism and Downe's, and trust me when I say, what is being proven to help nearly any dysfunction is being burried. This is not conducive to the wealthy and powerful pharmaceutical companies that advise the FDA.

I found out through pure genetic sciences. NO doctor in $100,000 of pure wasted health care misdiagnosis ever aided me in this diagnosis. They do not want to acknowledge and reeducate. I solved this massive failure of our health care with a 100% accurate genetic blood test. I have the highly evolved hunter gatherer gene from the pacific rim. There are many genes now being considered in this HG manner. The two genes most associated with this dysfunction are the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 modifiers. I am DQ8.

Please try to follow. This may greatly improve your mental clarity and confidence. These sources are more creditable than even current government offer health web sites. You decide if this is for you. These are the 2 doctors we brought to this country to educate our new doctors as to what this food allergy issue is.
if you dont have to make a decision, dont. if you do then go with your gut instinct. if you have no gut instinct then go with the decision that will least play on your concience. If you are still panicking then just think of the worst case scenario for each decision you make and you will realise that nothing bad will happen and relax :)
If both sides are true then why would it matter what you decide? You're putting too much pressure on yourself to be right instead of doing whatever it is and dealing with what comes next.
Many times it's because you do not have enough back ground information regarding your choices .
Are you sure seems isn't spelled, ';seems';?

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