Sunday, December 27, 2009

How many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?

I plan to smoke some 'tea'; (Tetrahydrocannabinol) to chill out and just watch the show..

It should be as hilarious as the 2004 Republican convention when they all wore hats with flip flops attached to them as swayed and raised their arms like holy rolling christians in a trance.

And I Will wear my T shirt that says ';Socialist'; in big red letters.How many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?
When we see giant spending bills pushed through, without the Congress even having time to read them, we are offended and horrified. When we hear that Obama is cutting defense spending, while throwing billions of dollars in the direction of groups like ACORN, we are offended and horrified. When we watch the guy who campaigned on ending earmarks, sign a bill into law that has 8,500 of them, we are offended and horrified. When we watch the guy break campaign promise after campaign promise, and not held to account by the media, we are offended and horrified.

We have all been enduring one outrage after another, for the past several months, and frankly many Americans feel compelled to do something…anything before we wake up one morning and no longer recognize our country. o_OHow many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?
Recycling a great political symbol like the tea party only re-enforces the perception that conservatives aren’t capable of being creative.

A third problem is negativity.

The tea party will be seen as the Republican party delivering another resounding “no” without offering any solutions. When the colonists dumped the tea, they were demanding representation. When they didn’t get representation, they took representation by force — a positive negativity if you will.

The 2009 tea party isn’t part of a constructive negotiation or a revolution, it’s a rant without any consequences — just like Santelli’s rant on air. Not paying the portion of ones’ taxes going to programs you really object to would be a powerful statement — but I doubt if the tea partiers are going to get around to doing this.

My sense is that conservative commentators and opinion-shapers who are seen promoting the tea party may very well regret this decision later on when the real protest comes along and leaves them in the dust.Your right the only one who gain from this is the peoples like Lipton and the other teabag producers.Yes this teabag party is nothing but a joke , on the republican party that is ,I will be laughing my @ss off .
I am a district coordinator for part of my state in cooperation with other coordinators around the country. Go ahead, show up- we expect you. To date, those who have promised to show, and who think it important enough to take a day from work, number in the hundreds of thousands total (around the nation).

Look for me- I will be wearing a t-shirt that says ';We are the NO LONGER silent majority';. It should be hilarious to watch the fear break out in the faces of those like you when they see the true numbers.

EDIT: I DO hope to see you there, because it is my job to take pics of folks like you.

2nd EDIT: 'VESAVERS' speaks from ignorance. We have to date 3 likely and viable solutions ready to submit, actually. And this is only the beginning.
There are literally hundreds of tea parties planned all over the nation; there's more than likely one near you. When millions of average Americans from across the political realm show up on April 15th and protest peacefully, what will you say then?

I'm going to a tea party so I can exercise my First Amendment rights and tell my elected officials what I think of their massive spending and socialist policies.

I'll be packing Moose since you said you'd be bringing a bat to teach conservatives a lesson in a previous rant of yours. I'm sure there are lots of unhinged libs just like yourself who want to make a name for themselves.
I'll bet they well not throw the American flags in the trash as they did at the DNC nor well there be any fainting

Bet your T shirt well look great with you black leather pants Well there be a tingle going up you leg and well the earth move if you see a picture of the Savior? Best no one say anything about the Savior or you well scratch his eyes out
If standing up against onerous government ,high taxes and out of control government spending is considered foolish, then consider me the king of fools. God bless and Happy Easter.
If you want to see grown men and women making fools of themselves, go to the next gathering of the DNC.
i think anyone showing up for the tea parties should be tried as domestic terrorist
When you're old enough to pay taxes, you will have a different attitude.
The biggest fools won in november.
If you like being taxed, then you are the fool.
I won't be there. I work for a living.
Are you on welfare?
Keep paying your taxes...and pay mine too if you want. I'm tired of it.
Its halarious just thinking about a bunch of Bad ***, Patriotic in your face, tough guy, my way or the highway thinking conservatives protesting this way. They are better off eating hotdogs with that Nazi Rush.
The fundemantal flaw in your plan is that you're assuming anyone will be showing up for you to watch.
Tea Parties

1) If you are British

2) If you are Gay (Sorry. sounded pretty gay to me)

3) If you ';care'; for your country, even though you had the chance years ago when bush was spending

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