Sunday, December 27, 2009

When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?

I am making cordials using sugar, fresh berries, and vodka. It needs to sit for 2 months. Do I need to give the jar an air tight seal? Also, do I need to refrigerate it? It makes me nervous not to seal anything with fresh fruit but fermenting alcohol can explode if sealed. So I am confused. When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?
i think a loose lid is ok. I made dandelion wine a few ywars back and just covered the tops with muslin to let it breathe. with cordials though, you're simply adding flavor to an already fermented spirit, so fermentation isn't really happening as much. unless you're making fresh booze, not just adding berries to vodka or whatever, i think you can seal the tops.When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?
when we have made brandied cherries we never sealed the jars...just filled with Kirsch and put in the fridge for about 1 negative effects.

the sugar as well as the alcohol will kill all the bacteria.
it wouldnt be a bad idea

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