Sunday, December 27, 2009

My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?

When he was sleeping he was kind of twitching and making this strange yippy noise. He does this a lot and we assume he's just dreaming but I was wondering what it really is.My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?
my dog does that too, it's just a dream.. nothing to worry about :)My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?
You assume correctly:) Your dog is indeed dreaming. Any creature that can sleep can also dream, dogs are no exception. They can also have nightmares!

What they dream about is anyone's guess. When I was a child, my grandma often told me that when Lady (my grandparents' dog) would bare her teeth and growl in her sleep, it meant she was dreaming about another dog trying to steal her favorite bone! Of course, we never knew, but it was fun to speculate.

It's funny to see an animal dream; wonder if they feel the same about us? Hard to say.
My dog does that too. She gets into it at nap time. She is ambitious then I think. She chases things and growls and yips. Her legs twitch and everything. It is funny to watch though.
just dreaming I think. All dogs and sometimes cats do it. My dog snores along with the cats. I think they are dreaming of a field of bones or food.
Yea, my dog does that too, hes just dreaming. Hes probably dreaming about chasing an animal or barking at someone.
Some dogs snort in there dreams it could be natural he could possibly have breatheing issues like pugs an other dogs with the smashed in faces do that but if its new you should totally see a vet.
he is dreaming

my dog does that sometimes. .. his legs move and he kind of whines a little bit but then wakes

dont worry :)
He was dreaming... if he seemed like he was having a ';nightmare (or whatever dogs have)'; then he may have anxiety issues.
He's probably dreaming. You know how humans talk in there sleep and snore; well it's like that. :D
It is because dreaming and also cause comfy dont worry
hes in the sweet doggy dreamland of cats and squirels and mailmen...or whatever dogs dream about.
Yeah, my dog does it too. It's nothing to worry about, he's just dreaming.
he was probaly just dreaming sometimes my dog does that too
He's dreaming!! Its kinda funny when they do that!
Hes Having A Nightmare!! Nothing More To It...
hes just dreaming my dog does that all the time
Haha! My dog used to do that, hes dreaming! =D
All normal, and has to do with dreams.
my dog does that to. its probbably just dreaming.

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