Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How do you drink alcohol and get a good buzz without making yourself throw up?

Is there a trick to it?How do you drink alcohol and get a good buzz without making yourself throw up?
Yes. Drink slowly, and make sure to eat first. I would advise eating bread, so that it can absorb the alcohol making for a slow releasing and controlled buzz. Stick to one drink, and don't mix beer and liquor. Also, be sure to stay hydrated. Try to avoid drinking very sweet drinks in bulk because what can really make you sick is drinking the massive amounts or sweetness, like if you were to drink 4 or 5 sodas in a short period of time. Regardless of the alcohol, your stomach would not agree with that.How do you drink alcohol and get a good buzz without making yourself throw up?
Yep, there's a trick! The trick is to drink slowly. You'll find most people who can ';hold their liquor'; often drink a lot less than everyone else and can then keep going for longer. Try slowing down your drinking by mixing drinks weaker and taking longer to finish each one. It's important to take your time on the first few drinks as these are the ones that can make your night good or bad. Alcohol effects you differently depending on your mood, what you've had to eat that day, etc so drink the first three slowly and judge what they are doing to your body before you decide to drink any more.
There is no trick to it.

All you need to do is pace yourself, and make sure you do not over do it.

Oh and another thing, do not mix drinks. If you want to get a good buzz without throwing up, mixing drinks will increase your chance of puking..

So I suggest to stick to one type or drink and pace yourself,

p.s dont drink on an empty stomach, if you do, (although you will get drunk faster) you can make yourself sick.

If you drink and you have ate somthing before, you will have a better buzz and it will last longer (without getting sick)
I'll be straight up honest here. This is what I do: (note, I don't drink beer when I'm out, it's liquor only).

I start with a shot plus a mixed drink. The idea is to get to the point where you JUST START feeling drunk. If I don't feel buzzed or anything, I follow up with shot + mixed drink until I do (mixed drink being a single liquor plus a mixer, i.e. rum and coke, whisky sour, vodka cranberry NOT long Long Island Iced Tea or Cosmopolitans or Manhattans or the like).

Once I start feeling buzzed, I scale back dramatically. One mixed drink only, and then only sipping. I don't do shots after I start feeling drunk, and I try to order a non-alcoholic drink every other time I'm at the bar. (It helps to have a non-drinking friend here, cause we all know how it is once you're lit).

Bonus: If you mix your alcohol intake with a little water intake, it helps you to not be so hungover.
My brother taught me a useful phrase: liquor before beer and you're in the clear, beer before liquor and you'll be sicker.

Also remember to stay hydrated the entire time! Alternating a water beverage with your alcohol beverages keeps you from becoming overly drunk, and fends off potential headaches, etc.
not really..just slow the drinking down a bit....i used to smash down rum and ten minutes later im on the ground covered in my own vomit...ive learnt to calm down and drink a bit slower..or try drinking stuff other than spirits if thats what you drink.

p.s stay away from cheap cask wine (goon)...i throw up nearly everytime i drink it....slow or fast
Take a look at your drink's alcohol percentage. For me, I can have my stomach FULL of regular beer and not feel sick at all, but if my stomach has too much vodka in it at any given time, I'll probably throw up.
You're drinking way too much. There's a difference between a good buzz, and totally smashed. Have a couple drinks and then slow it down. Have some water or soda between drinks. It's called buzz management!
stick with one drink and pace yourself... don't mix with other different kinds of alcohol.

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