Sunday, December 27, 2009

What is the proper time of day for kids to stop making noise?

It is 9pm, I've had a hard day, and I'm in bed checking a little YA and watching TV, and all I hear is the pitter patter of my neighbors' kids running, jumping, thumping, and shouting. They don't have to go to bed, but isn't it a proper time for the parents to make them shut the hell up and let the rest of the building relax before bed? I heard that the etiquette of calling someone is no later than 9pm, so shouldn't everyone be quiet as well? Opinions?What is the proper time of day for kids to stop making noise?
I had noisy neighbors whom had been noisy for a couple of months.. made me boil at times.. I sit in my sofa trying to finish a paragraph that I keep repeating.. sometimes I wake up and hear them. :-)

One day, after all that I had swallowed, I decided to write them a letter.. mostly to vent.. not really hoping for a reaction, quite possibly retaliation of more torture. ;-)

Walked up the stairs, stuck the letter between the two doors, walked back into my place.. felt stupid.. but change those thoughts with happy ones of them and a Uhaul van in the driveway.

Anyways, from that point and to roughly a year down the road, I heard nothing out of them nor any noise.. I guess they got embarrassed that they can be heard and be given a journal of their day to day living activities hinted at by a neighbor. %26gt;:-)What is the proper time of day for kids to stop making noise?
8pm should be the latest! i dont envy you, apt living sucks!!!!
They need to be quieted down at 8PM. But, you should not be able to hear them period no matter what time it is. I think that you should put in a complaint with your landlord.
Oh, I have the same issue. I tell them to be quiet. They should be calming down - it's BAD parenting. If I can hear it when my door is closed, it's too loud.

P.S.- I have found that developing a ';look'; without saying a word can be effective....
They shouldn't be making that much noise, period. If you can hear them in your apartment, they're being too noisy. However, I'd say by 8:00 or so the neighbors should be able to get the little hellions under control. 9:00 is being generous. However, if your neighbors let their kids run wild all day long, there's probably not much you can do about it.
Bang on the wall or do something to anoythem as much as they do you, They are certainly too loud if you can hear them at all no matter what time it is,.I would complain to the managment or landlord.
if its noise pollution like these kids id say you shouldnt have to put up with that noise at all. with kids you can expect some noise write a letter to the prop manager complaining heck write a couple anonymously like theyre coming from more than one tenant then theyll get warning and or infraction. 7-8 is a good time for kids to be quiet i got four i reallyy know
About 7 pm is the cut off in most buildings and duplex homes. Yes you are right about the parents should have their kids settled down by now.

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