Sunday, December 27, 2009

If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?

I have just got into a new relationship and we have been having sex for about 3 weeks and my breasts have become really tender and heavy! im thinking that its something to do with hormones because i get a similar feeling when i am about to start my period but its nohwhere near due. Please help!If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?
Ignore the two above answers! If you are using protection, you do not need to worry about pregnancy.

Starting to have regular sex is a big change for your body as it is being flooded with hormones, something it hasn't experienced before!! Also, depending on /how/ you're having sex, it might be some physical aspect which is making them tell your boyfriend to be gentle!

I would imagine after a few more weeks you will be feeling perfectly normal again :)If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?
Sounds like pregnancy symptoms to me. Take a test now and to be sure take one when your period is a week late, because it sounds like it will be.
Some men are hard on the boobs especially if you are big, ouch!
yes. or you could be pregnant

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