Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?

My sisters 8 year old kid is out of control .Its all her fault she has 3 kids and on the other kids birthdays she buys the brat a gift too but dont buy the others anything on the brats birthday.

The brat does stuff like emptys laundry soap on the floor,throws balls in the street when cars are going by .When she is not messing the house up ahe is breaking stuff.

I know its mean to say about a kid but I dont want her around.

She never gets in trouble in fact her little sisters are the ones who get punished for the brats bad acts,

I tell my sister that she dont have friends because no one wants to play with her and adults dont want her over .(I baby sit one day a week and I am loosing my mind) and she just gets mad and Im sure buys the brat a gift..

By the way she cant afford what she buys her and ends up asking me to pay her rent or some other bill that i cant afford myself.

What do I do I am getting to the point I dont want them around me at all?How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?
You really can't say anything to the parents without them resenting you. I like the first answer, reward the good behavior and ignore the bad behavior.How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?
I think you need to be honest with your sister. If you need to tell her you refuse to babysit because of the horrible behavior that goes uncorrected, fine. Stick by your answer, and don't cave in. You should never have to pay your sister's bills. That is enabling her behavior, and not helping at all. She has to learn to be responsible for her bills, and her children. Tough love is effective in cases like this.

Sounds like that child needs a whole can of whoopass poured on her. There is much strife in that home. You shouldn't be a part of it. Your sister needs to work that out within herself and her kids. If she doesn't, we will all visit that kid in jail.
It's unusual that she'd treat this child so differently from the others. Does this kid have some problem that the others don't that Sis is trying to make up for?

You could refuse the rent money unless she gives you the extra gifts the bad kid got.

I think you have to say that you can't babysit anymore and be clear about why. It probably won't help, but at least you'll be out of the way.
reward the good behavior

ignore the bad behavior

sounds like that kid just needs some attention

not bribes and gifts, time and guidance and love and teaching

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