Friday, January 8, 2010

How do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?

I am a christian..I have been most of my life( Im 15 now)

I believe in christ... but I feel like If I tryed to witness to someone they would ask me questions that I cant answer..(not hard things...but things I should be able to answer...

How do I make myself more prepared?How do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?
Seek deeper into the Truth, God's Word and Law, He tells All of us to do this so we won't be decieved, it'll help you and others :-) you can look in the concordance, usually in the back of the Bible for certain subjects, and compare scripture with scripture, converse with God and listen with your heart for answers/guidance :-) God Bless and Keep YouHow do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?
Get in the Word, I've found that many of the books in the New Testament have a lot about how to love people, which is the only real way to show them who Jesus is.

More than anything, pray that God work in you. When we step out in faith and let the Holy Spirit do the talking we are really able to witness. Witness when the door opens, not when you have to open the door (if that makes sense). If the opportunity isn't there don't try to make one, God opens doors at the right time.

Also, find some adult mentors in your church or youth group that you can talk about it with. I know people who have been through it and have some really great advice about witnessing!

Always remember love : )
The best witnessing is one that is shared from your own experiences, your own relationship with Christ. Tell what He has done in your life. It's ok to say, I don't know all the answers but, with you, we can find the answer. And then talk with a minister or other spiritual person you trust. It is important to read God's word daily. This is how we learn and how we prepare ourselves for questions and for facing the world.
Pray often and everywhere that God will help you to be spiritually awake and a faithful and obedient servant to reach the lost to share a word in season with whomever you meet.

Read and study the word.

Share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Participate in a small group bible study.

Role play witnessing with fellow believers and try the hard questions on each other. is a good place to start looking for tips on evangelizing. They also have a good resource, the evidence bible.
You should start attending meetings at your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses....

You will find the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that is very faith strengthening..

You will also find the Theocratic Ministry School, which, as the title suggest, is a training aid to help prepare us for our would learn how to answer peoples questions from the Bible, cuz all our beliefs are taken from there.

Try going to our website and doing some research...
That's the job of the Holy Spirit

Acts 1: 8But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
How about read the Bible and for starters you can read

Isaiah 42: 1, 5 1 is excually talking about jesus

and 5 is talking about Gods name or Jesus's Father
Grow some real thick skin, most of us ';nonbelievers'; don't like being bothered by people like you and will be merciless.
study the new testament daily.
Talk to your spiritual teacher for advice not us.
Study your Bible and pray.
I have found that an earnest desire to Love our brothers and sisters is paramount.

Praying earnestly and seeking the will of Jesus for our lives will bring us in submission to Him and allow us to hear what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us.

Reading the Word Of God helps. Not listening to worldy music, talking about worldy things, or watching worldy movies.

I am serious, all of these are gateways.

Satan trys to get through to you through your vision, hearing sense of smell even, your touch, and your taste too! He is very cunning.

If you desire to be an effective witness for Jesus it repquires a FULL commitment, and I am saying this NOT because I have accomplished this, but because I am just realizing this.

Pray often, listen to spiritual music, meditate on God's word, and He will POUR out of you mouth. His words will be your words when you step into His world, and live with Him in your borrowed body.

Hope this helps

God Bless
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