Friday, January 8, 2010

Which locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?

I need to get some new keys made. Is there a locksmith service in Fremont that has a good price on key making?Which locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?
I recommend using Available Locksmith. They are a reputable locksmith service with very competitive rates on key making you can call them on (510) 263-3234 or you can visit their website at locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?
Most hardware stores and Home Centers make keys. Less than $1.50 each. Even Walmart has this service.
Try home depot? They are cheap and good!
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  • What is the easiest way on to making a colored or clear crystal?

    Sugar works well (rock candy), also Epsom's salt. If you can get some, copper sulfate makes really large blue crystals.What is the easiest way on to making a colored or clear crystal?

    Difficulty: Easy

    Time Required: Days to Weeks

    Here's How:

    1.Pour 1/2 cup of hot tap water into a clean jar.

    2.Slowly stir in alum, a little at a time, until it stops dissolving. Don't add the whole amount - just enough to saturate the water.

    3.Loosely cover the jar with a coffee filter or paper towel (to keep dust out) and allow the jar to sit undisturbed overnight.

    4.The next day, pour the alum solution from the first jar into the clean jar. You will see small alum crystals at the bottom of the jar. These are 'seed' crystals that you will use to grow a big crystal.

    5.Tie nylon fishing line around the largest, best-shaped crystal. Tie the other end to a flat object (e.g., popsicle stick, ruler, pencil, butter knife). You will hang the seed crystal by this flat object into the jar far enough so that it will be covered in liquid, but won't touch the bottom or sides of the jar. It may take a few tries to get the length just right.

    6.When you have the right string length, hang the seed crystal in the jar with the alum solution. Cover it with the coffee filter and grow a crystal!

    7.Grow your crystal until you are satisfied with it. If you see crystals starting to grow on the sides or bottom of your jar, carefully remove your crystal, pour the liquid into the clean jar, and put the crystal in the new jar. Other crystals in the jar will compete with your crystal for alum, so it won't be able to get as big if you let these crystals grow.


    1.You can use sewing thread or other string instead of nylon fishing line, but crystals will grow on the entire length of the submerged string. Crystals don't adhere to nylon, so if you use it, you can get bigger, better crystals.

    2.Alum is an ingredient used to make pickles. It makes them crispy.

    What You Need:

    鈥?/2 c hot tap water

    鈥?-1/2 T alum

    鈥ylon fishing line

    鈥encil, ruler, or knife

    鈥? clean jars


    鈥offee filter/paper towel

    What does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive?

    Of course, one must be modest...but what do the Quran and Hadiths say about trying to look beautiful.What does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive?
    Modesty is a virtue which Islam demands of Muslim men and women. The most powerful verses commanding the believers to be modest occur in Surah al-Nur and begin with the words:

    ';Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well aware of what they do.';

    [Noble Quran 24:31]

    The rule of modesty is equally applicable to men and women. A brazen stare by a man at a woman or another man is a breach of correct behavior. The rule is meant not only to guard women, but is also meant to guard the spiritual good of men. Looking at the sexual anarchy that prevails in many parts of the world, and which Islam came to check, the need for modesty both in men and women is abundantly clear. However it is on account of the difference between men and women in nature, temperament, and social life, that a greater amount of veiling is required for women than for men, especially in the matter of dress. A complete code of modesty is laid down in the Quran as follows:

    ';And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty save to their husbands, or their fathers or their husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical desire, or small children who have no sense of sex; and that they should not stamp their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O believers! Turn all together towards Allah, that you may attain bliss.';

    [Noble Quran 24:31]

    A key term in the above verse is Zinat. It means both natural beauty and artificial ornaments. The word as used in the above verse seems to include both meanings. Women are asked not to make a display of their figures, not to wear tight clothing that reveals their shapeliness, nor to appear in such dress except to:

    their husbands,

    their relatives living in the same house with whom a certain amount of informality is permissible,

    their women, that is, in the strict sense, their maid-servants who are constantly in attendance on them, but in a more liberal sense, all believing women,

    old or infirm men-servants, and

    infants or small children who have not yet got a sense of sexWhat does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive? it for yourself and your mahram (aka: immediate family + those of the same sex)...not for or in front of others!

    ';What is the meaning of the hadeeth which says that Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty?';

    ';Is hijab obligatory for beautiful women only or for all women?';

    last three paragraphs refer to beauty:

    ...modesty is the distinct characteristic attributed to identify Islam...and making oneself attractive is the opposite of being modest..ya?...

    so keep yourself clean and neat, but don't over do it to the point of purposefully attracting attention

    Allahu Alim
    I'm looking for the hadith;

    I read it; it was something like; ';what do you say of the one who wears beautiful garments'; and the answer was somthing like ';Allah is beautiful and loves beauty';.... something then saying but you shouldn't think your better then those who don't

    I'll find the direct quote inshallah
    Allah made you beautiful, but you should probably shower, properly groom, brush your hair, keep your teeth healthy, and wear clean clothes.
    You should not look beautiful to attract the attention of the opposite gender, however Islam teaches to be clean and dress appropriately.
    It is encouraged if done for husband. It is even encouraged to make you look sexy if done for husband.
    You should not care because our flesh is just temporary!!! So don't worry about looks ! Think ,more about how ur soul looks and the only way to make thatlook better is be rightous

    May peace be upon you.
    Al-Mussawar...we should mimick...good job

    I was doing wash and it started making noises and smelled a burning. Is it the belt or the motor?

    It smells like something is burning and a there is screeching sound with it. If it is just the belt, how do I fix it?I was doing wash and it started making noises and smelled a burning. Is it the belt or the motor?
    Sounds like a belt, but it's only 1/2 of the problem. Picture an electric motor with a belt pulley on it (drive pulley). It spins the belt, which in turn spins another pulley (driven pulley). If the driven pulley abruptly stops (seizes), the motor will still spin the belt across it causing the screeching noise, and burning smell. The belt may need replacing, but your main problem is the seized pulley. Get a qualified repair tech out there. They are well worth the price given that it will cause you endless frustration.

    What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?

    People would take marriage more seriously.What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?
    Well, it would make marriage a much more risky proposition and might prevent some people from getting married in the first place. It would keep people legally and financially tied to people they want nothing to do with for decades - you can live apart, but there are still a lot of consequences to being married.

    What may be worst, it would eliminate most remarriages. A lot of people I know have had unfortunate marriages only to eventually get it right on the second or even third try. But without divorce that would have been closed off to them.What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?
    Smart people wouldn't get married, and spousal murder would skyrocket!

    I am totally against the ownership of human beings by other human beings. It is a clear violation of the 13th Amendment.

    People who want to be nailed together can get a religious ceremony.
    Lots of Killings man , lots of Killings.

    Look at the country's that do not have divorce -- they Kill the wife.
    Wow if divorce was illegal it would have sucked for Britney Spears! LOL

    But yeah people wouldgo crazy and kill their spouses. If it was made illegal i would hope that people would take marriage more seriously.
    Spousal homicides would greatly increase.

    Without a legal means of separating all the items in a marriage, splitting up would not be as easy as you make it seem.
    How about making it harder to get a divorce? ';Irreconcilable differences'; is such a cop out.
    I get it, the whole gay marriage thing is now being grouped in with divorce. It took the gay marriage lobby this long to come up with this? I'd get new PR flacks.
    Marriage would become nonexistent !

    Oh ! Wait ! you said negative.....Hmmmmmmmm
    Domestic violence and murder would probably go up.
    More government intrusion into our personal lives...
    There would be a heck of a lot more spouse murder
    Umm.. a lot of people going crazy in marriages they want out of?
    jesus would be pissed off

    How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?

    When a recipie calls for a sauce made from the meat juices left in the frying pan, the meat is often transferred to a plate to be 'kept warm'. There are a few recipies with sauces that need at least 15 minutes for the broth to reduce down, during which my steaks or lamb chops will cool down no matter how much foil I wrap around it or keep it under a hot light. Is there a way to keep the meat hot enough so that it tastes like it came hot off the grill? Or are those recipies assuming the meat is suppose to be a little bit cooled when served?How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?
    It is a good idea to cover the meat in foil, preheat the platter so it doesn't cool the meat, and place the platter of meat in the oven on a low temperature to help reduce any heat loss.How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?
    Do you have a oven ? or a hot box
    when sauce is finished just put meat under the grill or back in a hot pan for a minute to reheat it again

    i am a pro chef thats what we do
    This may sound crazy, but Alton Brown of Good Eats on the Food Network always uses a heating pad. Just put the foil covered plate of meat on top of a heating pad on medium or high.

    What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?

    i do have any an idea, and want to introduce it and make a profit out of it. what is the processes for that?What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?
    First, you patent your invention (which will probably cost you a few thousand dollars in patent attorney fees). Then, you can either license it to people who want to commercialize it or commercialize it on your own. The vast majority of patented inventions, however, have never been commercialized; the inventors either didn't have an interest or lacked capital and failed to convince financial backers in their inventions' commercial viability...What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?
    An elaborate and complete answer to your question is impossible without some knowledge of what the idea is about. But first things first - patent it.
    Be very careful with this. Do not go for one of those companies you see on tv, they are a scam. Do a ton of research as I've heard the process is very hard.
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