Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My boyfriend snores and sweats excessively, making it uncomfortable to be close. What should I do?

I want to marry him but snoring will keep me up, and him sweating excessively at the slightest temperature rise is very uncomfortable to be close to him as I hardly sweat at all. Should this determine our relationship?My boyfriend snores and sweats excessively, making it uncomfortable to be close. What should I do?
I had a ex bf who did both of these things. The breathe strips didn't work for his snoreing. I couldn't stand for him to touch me when he was so sweaty either.

Notice how I said EX? :-)My boyfriend snores and sweats excessively, making it uncomfortable to be close. What should I do?
My husband snores and sweats a fair bit, but I love him so I deal with it. If the snoring is too much, one of you can move to another room. As for the sweating, he could see a doctor to see if there are any treatments for him.

If you really love someone, there are always ways around the small problems (ie snoring, sweating)

Good luck.
My Fiance is a big Czech dude. He sweats, talks in his sleep, snores .. the whole lot.

But this would never be something that would make me not want to marry him. A bit worried that you think its something that is relationship determining??? But it is kinda gross either way. lol

Hmm .. I would think about it. There is some medication (over the counter) that you can get for snoring. It has helped my Fiance.
He might have a deviated septum which causes snoring. This can easily ber surgically correctedd. He might have a moireseriouss med condition which must be checked into for snoringalsos.

Sweatingg: He might again have a serious med condition. If none, he mightsleepingn with a small fan on him only.
If you are willing to give up on your relationship just because of snoring and sweating, then you aren't mature enough to even CONSIDER marriage. In marriage, you love the other person, faults and all. What he has is a medical condition that is probably treatable.
I think you can buy something to put on your nose and it stops snoring, dont sleep as near to him.
i will star this so my contact...Sad Rhonda will see this. she will be mad when she finds out you're sleeping with her fiancee.
if you are really considering not marrying because of his sleeping habits I think you should re think the marriage anyway lol

but he could sleep with a fan and get some breathe right strips
suggest a botolinumtoxinum treatment, should help with both
Sleep somewhere else.

My aunt has a separate room because her husband snores really loud
You should request that he see a doctor. There are remedies for both these problems.
';Singles and dating.';

Thank you very much!
Tell him!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T BE NAIVE
maybe lick his ***...
men are so gross..... lol
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