Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How many of you are still making your payments, on credit cards, mortgages, auto loans?

Are we Super Heroes?How many of you are still making your payments, on credit cards, mortgages, auto loans?
If being responsible and paying the bills makes you a superhero then yes I am. How many of you are still making your payments, on credit cards, mortgages, auto loans?
I pay off the credit card in full every month (we use it for everything we can in order to save up 'points' that can be applied to our next vacation).

The car payment is not only on time but we have made extra payments so we are actually ahead of that bill.

And we cut back our spending a while ago to save up for the down payment for the house (we want to be able to put $100,000 down).

The trick we used is that we are careful to make sure that we have more money in savings and investments than we have in debt. (Buying the house will change this but there is no way around it).

I do not know the purpose of the question but there was a time when the local grocery store, clothing store, meat market and any other merchant would place a customer on the books. The customer was expected to clear his debt as quickly as possible. The same is true today. You play, you pay. And we live in a credit society which expects us to pay for services or product rendered. Isn't that the honest thing to do ? You are not a super hero. You are just using the system.
I was going to suggest that you put this question in the Senior Citizen section... but now I understand what you are talking about.

To answer your question yes I am still making payments on my mortgage and credit cards, my minivan is paid off.
Hell, I just bought a new house and got a 5.5 percent fixed mortgage.

I'm still looking for an application to get some of that government cheese though. I want my slice of the pie, dammit.
I avoid credit cards, I do have a car loan, I rent an apartment.

Having some type of debt like this is practically unavoidable in today's society unless you are super freaking rich.
i am. it's the gas and groceries that are starting to make me buckle, though. and i can't wait to heat the house this winter with gas prices up almost 21% for that.
You see, I work hard, then save a little here and a little there until I can buy a decent USED car with CASH not credit. I don't try to live above my means. So I'm not losing my stuff.
still making my car payments. I paid off my personal credit card that I had a balance on a couple of months ago, but still making payments on a $4500 balance business card
Of course we are still paying our bills. I would like to keep my great credit rating. No, we are NOT super heros. We are mature responsible people who realize there are no free rides.
I got 2 Credit Cards (one being a Best Buy) and a car loan. Super Heroes? Yes we are!
I live my life just like ';OBAMA/BIDEN 2008'; only difference is I save even more than he does :)
I am, just barely
not me
I pay my bills on time, and I pay my taxes.
I owe 70,000 dlls of credits , loans and mortgages ,

I am in debt like our country

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