Sunday, December 27, 2009

How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?

He grabs a bar with his beak %26amp; lets it go, to make a loud noise

to get our attention...We ignore him completely, but he carries on...We eventually have to cover him to get him to stop, but don't want him covered all the time naturally. He is totally tame by the way... We have 3 other birds but they get lots of individual attention and time out of their cages.How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?
The best thing to do is to let him keep doing it because they are naturally inquisitive animals and you basically want them to be happy. The only real solution would be to get it a cage with sturdier bars like a cal cage.How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?
My Parakeet does that. He clings his beak to the side of the cage and makes the bars vibrate. They do it for attention and affection. Rather than trying to stop this behavious you should praise it, it is there sign of love and affection towards you when you come near.
Just say his name and ENOUGH in a loud firm voice and say

NO MORE. If he carries on, cover him for 10 to 15 minutes.

When he is quiet tell him he's good for being quiet and uncover him.

My bird, when he squeals too much, i just say enough or no more and he stops. I don't even have to raise my voice, but i have taught him from a very young age, i hand reared him myself.

He knows when he is a good boy and when he is a bad boy.

He says hello, pretty boy, he calls the puss puss, when he sees or hears a dog he barks, he can do a monkey sound, he laughs, he says wanna come out, wolf whistles, he gives us kisses when we ask for one, he is toilet trained, when we ask him to look, he looks at whatever we are pointing or when we tell him to go over here or there he does.

He is soo intellegent. You just have to teach him one thing at a time and spend alot of time teaching them. When they are good tell them they are good, and bad likewise.

There like children.

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