Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is there a movie either made or making for David Wellington's novel 13 Bullets?

I have read the book and was very well pleased and researched to see if a movie was in the making or not and could not find any answers...I mean that would make an extremely good movie if you ask me. So if you know anything of it, I would sure like to know also. Thanks....Is there a movie either made or making for David Wellington's novel 13 Bullets?
noh.....they havnt made yet ...

How many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?

I plan to smoke some 'tea'; (Tetrahydrocannabinol) to chill out and just watch the show..

It should be as hilarious as the 2004 Republican convention when they all wore hats with flip flops attached to them as swayed and raised their arms like holy rolling christians in a trance.

And I Will wear my T shirt that says ';Socialist'; in big red letters.How many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?
When we see giant spending bills pushed through, without the Congress even having time to read them, we are offended and horrified. When we hear that Obama is cutting defense spending, while throwing billions of dollars in the direction of groups like ACORN, we are offended and horrified. When we watch the guy who campaigned on ending earmarks, sign a bill into law that has 8,500 of them, we are offended and horrified. When we watch the guy break campaign promise after campaign promise, and not held to account by the media, we are offended and horrified.

We have all been enduring one outrage after another, for the past several months, and frankly many Americans feel compelled to do something…anything before we wake up one morning and no longer recognize our country. o_OHow many are going to a Tea Party to gawk at the spectacle of grown men and women making fools of themselves?
Recycling a great political symbol like the tea party only re-enforces the perception that conservatives aren’t capable of being creative.

A third problem is negativity.

The tea party will be seen as the Republican party delivering another resounding “no” without offering any solutions. When the colonists dumped the tea, they were demanding representation. When they didn’t get representation, they took representation by force — a positive negativity if you will.

The 2009 tea party isn’t part of a constructive negotiation or a revolution, it’s a rant without any consequences — just like Santelli’s rant on air. Not paying the portion of ones’ taxes going to programs you really object to would be a powerful statement — but I doubt if the tea partiers are going to get around to doing this.

My sense is that conservative commentators and opinion-shapers who are seen promoting the tea party may very well regret this decision later on when the real protest comes along and leaves them in the dust.Your right the only one who gain from this is the peoples like Lipton and the other teabag producers.Yes this teabag party is nothing but a joke , on the republican party that is ,I will be laughing my @ss off .
I am a district coordinator for part of my state in cooperation with other coordinators around the country. Go ahead, show up- we expect you. To date, those who have promised to show, and who think it important enough to take a day from work, number in the hundreds of thousands total (around the nation).

Look for me- I will be wearing a t-shirt that says ';We are the NO LONGER silent majority';. It should be hilarious to watch the fear break out in the faces of those like you when they see the true numbers.

EDIT: I DO hope to see you there, because it is my job to take pics of folks like you.

2nd EDIT: 'VESAVERS' speaks from ignorance. We have to date 3 likely and viable solutions ready to submit, actually. And this is only the beginning.
There are literally hundreds of tea parties planned all over the nation; there's more than likely one near you. When millions of average Americans from across the political realm show up on April 15th and protest peacefully, what will you say then?

I'm going to a tea party so I can exercise my First Amendment rights and tell my elected officials what I think of their massive spending and socialist policies.

I'll be packing Moose since you said you'd be bringing a bat to teach conservatives a lesson in a previous rant of yours. I'm sure there are lots of unhinged libs just like yourself who want to make a name for themselves.
I'll bet they well not throw the American flags in the trash as they did at the DNC nor well there be any fainting

Bet your T shirt well look great with you black leather pants Well there be a tingle going up you leg and well the earth move if you see a picture of the Savior? Best no one say anything about the Savior or you well scratch his eyes out
If standing up against onerous government ,high taxes and out of control government spending is considered foolish, then consider me the king of fools. God bless and Happy Easter.
If you want to see grown men and women making fools of themselves, go to the next gathering of the DNC.
i think anyone showing up for the tea parties should be tried as domestic terrorist
When you're old enough to pay taxes, you will have a different attitude.
The biggest fools won in november.
If you like being taxed, then you are the fool.
I won't be there. I work for a living.
Are you on welfare?
Keep paying your taxes...and pay mine too if you want. I'm tired of it.
Its halarious just thinking about a bunch of Bad ***, Patriotic in your face, tough guy, my way or the highway thinking conservatives protesting this way. They are better off eating hotdogs with that Nazi Rush.
The fundemantal flaw in your plan is that you're assuming anyone will be showing up for you to watch.
Tea Parties

1) If you are British

2) If you are Gay (Sorry. sounded pretty gay to me)

3) If you ';care'; for your country, even though you had the chance years ago when bush was spending

What is the best equipment to get for beat making, mixing, and the whole nine yard?

I got my money right and now im ready to serious with this.What is the best equipment to get for beat making, mixing, and the whole nine yard?
Honestly, i'd say go the software route and get hardware that will compliment your programs. You can still grab an MPC and sample but if you have a strong program like Ableton then you can hook the MPC up to your computer through midi or usb and do so much more.

I recommend Ableton Live because the workflow in this program is amazing. It's very easy to scratch out ideas once you understand how it all works.

For mixing I'd say Pro tools because it is dependable and simple to use (on mixing jobs), It has a great set of starting tools and the plug-ins that it comes with sound good. For mixing and mastering I use mostly the Waves Plug-ins with Pro tools.

At the end of the day just make sure you dont spend all your money on one thing. Even it out because you'll want other things like monitor speakers, mixers, keyboards, turntables etc.

Hope this helps!What is the best equipment to get for beat making, mixing, and the whole nine yard?
MPC. (Some come with CD drives)

Roland Fantom

Cubase SX/Logic Pro

Get that and you're set. and Turntables if you're a crate digger.

I'm kinda garbage at mixing and mastering....
  • toner refill
  • figure
  • Where can I test fire a gun in a house while making the least noise?

    Garage, attic, basement (it has those little swing-out windows) or a large ground-floor closet?

    Also, what's the risk of blowing out any of the basement windows?Where can I test fire a gun in a house while making the least noise?
    For god's sake, don't be a moron and shoot a gun in your house.Where can I test fire a gun in a house while making the least noise?
    first off i'm with the rest ';DON'T FIRE A GUN IN A HOUSE'; (unless it is for self protection and then as a last resort only) that being said i have read in a major gun publication magazine where the writer used his pistol (i think it was a .357) with bullets pulled and powder removed and only the primer remained. He then melted some parifin wax into a pan so that he had about a half inch or maybe less there. he pushed the open end of the shell caseing into the wax and waited a few minutes. he used a light wooden box as a backstop. the sound was less than the clap of your hand and the wax would not penatrate any thing of any substance. he used it as a training aid for trigger pull and sight picture and his wife did not mind too much as long as he cleaned up the misses //// i have never tried this but he said the primer had enough power to push the wax bullet out of his gun but not enough to be a danger to any one or any thing //// just clean your gun very well after firing in this manner!!!
    this is one of the questions that really makes me worry about people that have no business with a firearm. YOU DO NOT DISCHARGE A FIREARM INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!.

    For many reasons. Safety being number one. You can endanger yourself, family members, neighbors and passers by. Take it to a range, or to a safe outdoor area where you are certain of the downrange area.

    I have seen a few foolish people do this. One fired a black powder pistol in his garage at 3 4';x4'; boards, which he missed, the ball passed thru the garage door and struck the grill of the mayors car who just happened to be driving up the street. It passed thru the grill, thru the radiator and lodged against the water pump. The ';shooter'; was charged with reckless endangerment, discharging a firearm in city limits and spent over $100,000 defending himself before he was convicted and sent to jail. Another einstein jr fired his .45acp down his hallway and into a stack of phone books. The round passed between two of the phone books, exited the exterior wall and went thru the condenser of his neighbors AC unit. Also convicted. Another fired his .357 Magnum into his basement wall (not realizing that it was concrete behind the paneling). The bullet ricochet upwards, passing thru his wifes hand, and continuing up into the floor of the third floor, where it passed thru the upstairs closet and thru his wifes mink coat. I don't think you want to know the results of that one.

    In short, don't do it.

    shoot safe
    If your using a basement I hope you have something the will stop the bullets because otherwise your foundation walls are going to be pounded to peices. Rule #4 is a big thing but you can make your own indoor range. But what are you going to use as a bullet cache?

    Firing a gun will not damage the windows. But I would stuff some towels to lessen the noise heard outside.
    This is why sound suppressors (';silencers';) were originally invented. Unfortunately, in the US at least, access to such things is highly restricted. Contact BATFE for details. Otherwise, you're SOL.
    The basement. Then you have the whole house on top of you to muffle the sound. You won't blow out the basement windows with anything less than a cannon.
    I shoot a 9x18 in my basement all the time. No windows blown out. I Shoot at boxes of old phone books. No trouble yet.
    Don't. Just...don't.

    The only building you should fire a gun in is a gun range.
    If you have to ask because you know it's incredibly stupid and may harm something, you probably shouldn't do it?
    you never fire a gun in a house
    Might have to refer you to your local sheriff's department.

    My computer is making a really weird sound?

    I turned on my computer one day and all the sudden it made weird Ziss ziss ziss sounds along with the regular start of hmmmmmmmms, whats going on? I don't think it's a fan, is my harddrive being scratched or something? Or is nothing happening at all?My computer is making a really weird sound?
    You need to open it up and determine as to what component is making the noise. It could be your hard drive, CD/DVD drive, CPU fan, Graphics card fan or just your cooling fan. It would help if you mentioned what type of computer you have.

    Generally on start up the bios checks

    1. Floppy drive - if you have one

    2. CD and or DVD drive

    3. Hard drive.

    For the initialization programs.My computer is making a really weird sound?
    If it works fine once you start things up, it's probably nothing to worry about. If something is wrong with your computer once you open things up, and are missing documents or something, then get it checked out. You are probably fine though, thats happened to my computer before too. :)
    You think thats bad - mine spoke to me the other night

    Then I realised it was avast

    My parents are making it very difficuly for me to do my photography class projects. What should I do?

    I have a photogrpahy project due that can be on any subject as long as the 10 photos I have to take are connected in some way. However, my parents don't allow me drive and they don't want to take me anywhere to find things to take photos of. They keep telling me to take pictures of things in the neighborhood. I did that last semester and my teacher told me he wishes I would go an explore other places. He gave me the benifit of the doubt then but this semester he wants something different from me. I told my parents but they don't listen or care. Then think i'm just being difficult. They don't understand that my professor wants to see artisting and interesting things. Anyone have any ideas of things I can take photos of in my house or in basic neighborhood that would be interesting.My parents are making it very difficuly for me to do my photography class projects. What should I do?
    I think the idea of using a bicycle is a good one. I ride about 30 miles about every other Saturday. I always take my camera with me and shoot some of the interesting things I find along the way.

    I have a friend who goes on 12 mile walks and sometimes I go with her. I have found some interesting things to shoot when with her as well. Like Canada geese, many varieties of ducks and other people.

    My last 12 photo essay was of abstract shots of common items. The class enjoyed trying to figure out what they were.

    Take a look at what others are doing in the class (or have done) and see what your prof is especially interested in seeing, both in content and in technique.My parents are making it very difficuly for me to do my photography class projects. What should I do?
    Are there any wooded areas around your house? Have you learned macro-photography yet? Even the simplest plants make for some interesting extreme closeups.

    Do you never go anywhere? Carry your camera every time you go somewhere, school, Wal-Mart, grocery store, wherever...there's always something that can be photographed.

    Is there a nature park or nice city downtown area anywhere near where you live? Get a specific place in mind, lay out your reasons for photographing that particular place and approach your parents with that instead of the idea that you just want to wander aimlessly hoping to find something to photograph.

    Good luck!

    Edit: Just ignore me..%26gt;I just read Rattlehead's response and that is just genius!!
    hey mayo3. this has nothing to do with you question, i just wanted to know what books you have for your classes. i want to get into photography, but at the time dont have the money for the classes. let me know it would be a great help. thank you :)
    Ask professor to write a note to your parents, so at least they realize you do really need help and that you aren't making this up.

    Ask your parents to write to your professor telling him that won't help you. They won't but at least this might help them realize you are serious.

    Get a part time job and buy a car.
    I dunno what kinda photos you are woking on, but almost anywhere you can do asomething intresting. bring a lamp into a corner od the room, and make weird shadow of object, angls.

    every lamp post can look intresting, if you take it from somewhere weird- or up close with Macro...

    besides- isn't there such a thing as public transport? taxis? bycicles? legs?
    Make your parents your subject. Get photos of them first thing in the morning, in the shower, etc.....

    I think after a few photos they will come around.
    well they might be right but just ask them to stop bothering u and tell them u promise to get it done and if not u can take away my cell phone!!!!! make sure they let u out at night and stuff!!!!!
    I'm also a photographer, and I also had parents like that at one time. My mother never allowed me to get my drivers license and refused to take me places.

    There is so many pictures you can get in your home or neighborhood. I'm not sure on your environment but you should make your photo project of ';details';. You can find a lot of examples of detail photography online, anything from a spider in your home, to some fruit loops in a bowl of milk. Or as suggested before, you can get back at your parents by making them the topic. Even architectural details of the homes around you.
    use your imagination! take pictures of your family,neighbors,maybe stuff in your house like speceal keepsakes or personal belongs.
    You could do a series of food shots, a series of different trees and their leaves (close ups/long shots), a series of (if there is any) snow levels or icicles, a series of pedestrians (if there are many) in your neighborhood. There's a lot you can just need to use your imagination a bit.

    If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?

    I have just got into a new relationship and we have been having sex for about 3 weeks and my breasts have become really tender and heavy! im thinking that its something to do with hormones because i get a similar feeling when i am about to start my period but its nohwhere near due. Please help!If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?
    Ignore the two above answers! If you are using protection, you do not need to worry about pregnancy.

    Starting to have regular sex is a big change for your body as it is being flooded with hormones, something it hasn't experienced before!! Also, depending on /how/ you're having sex, it might be some physical aspect which is making them tell your boyfriend to be gentle!

    I would imagine after a few more weeks you will be feeling perfectly normal again :)If you start having regular sex, can your hormone levels change making you breasts extremely tender?
    Sounds like pregnancy symptoms to me. Take a test now and to be sure take one when your period is a week late, because it sounds like it will be.
    Some men are hard on the boobs especially if you are big, ouch!
    yes. or you could be pregnant

    What are you making for dinner tonight?

    I am making 'shepard's pie.' Instead of spreading the mashed potatoes on top, I will form them into ghost shapes and put peas for eyes on them. Is that cute or what? Easy and creative - I should have a show. :)What are you making for dinner tonight?
    leftoversWhat are you making for dinner tonight?
    We are going for a ';tapas'; style dinner.
    Leftover chicken chili here. And I'm tuning in to Monday Night Football, too!
    steak three ways - one with terriaki/sesame sauce, one with home made barbeque sauce and one with a blakened pepper onionn sauce (we each get a bit of all three with spinach on the side)
    I just bought some ready-to-use pizza dough so I'm thinking of making a calzone.
    I ordered pizza....

    but yesterday I made baked orange chicken

    time to make 1陆 hours 23 min prep

    2 large oranges

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

    1 medium onion, finely chopped

    2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce

    2 tablespoons water

    1 tablespoon tomato paste

    salt %26amp; pepper

    1. Thinly pare the rind from 1 orange, and cut the rind into thin strips.

    2. Grate the rind from the other orange, and squeeze the juice from both.

    3. Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan, add the chicken pieces and brown on both sides.

    4. Remove from the pan and keep warm.

    5. Add the onion to the fat remaining in the pan and gently fry for 5 minutes.

    6. Drain off any fat, then add the Worcestershire sauce, water, tomato paste, orange rind (strips and grated) and juice. Bring to the boil and season lightly with salt and pepper.

    7. Line a shallow ovenproof dish or roasting pan with foil, leaving enough on either side to over lap in the middle. Place the chicken on the foil, spoon over the orange sauce, then cover wit h the foil, securing the edges by folding together.

    8. Bake at 180 C for 1 hour.

    9. To serve, spoon the juices over the chicken.
    Chicken and Noodles I put in the crock pot this morning before work.
    Food, I always go with Food for meals it just seems the right thing to do, Ya Know??
    i don't know that is why I am on here trying to see if anything sounds good.
    Green Beans - Tuna - Rice.

    Boring stuff with low calories ...
    pizza i'm italian
    Probably salad with mixed field greens, feta, dried cranberries and slivered almonds.

    Last night I went to a potluck and stuffed myself, so I need to detox today!
    Boiled yellow squash seasoned with butter, pepper, and sugar;

    Baked chicken lemon pepper flavored;

    ceasar salad;

    garlic bread;

    avocado slices
    Sounds good. It's also good to mix the potatoes with grated cheese and you can put sliced tomato on top too.

    Tonight my wife experimented with a pasta dish. She used pasta shells as a base. The topping was sliced mushrooms and chopped onions cooked with a tin of chopped tomatoes, a can of tuna chunks, a splash of red wine and a spoonful of chili sauce. Very tasty.
    I am having roast lamb, dolmas,

    green beans/tomatoes,

    cucumber/green peppers/onion/tomato Greek salad,

    tabbouleh, home made pita and Baba Ghanouch .
    I am going to eat whatever my mother makes.
    Tacos and Burritos here, buffet style so they can all watch Monday Night Football...gotta do it, I've got men in the house...prayers =)
    possum and grits
    Gotta do some pork chops tonight!
    I am making boneless pork chops (on the George Foreman grill), shrimp spring rolls and snap peas. I also have some chardonnay chilling in the fridge. A day off is nice because I can cook for my sweetie. She will be happy!

    Oh yeah: chocolate orange cake with raspberry icing for dessert.
    since i am home alone for the first time in a long grilling a t-bone steak, having rice and salad with it.
    I'm pregnant so I'm going to have pickles and Ice Cream and my husband is going to have pizza and beer.
    :P it is cute

    we are going to have pancakes tonight. going to expirament with different fruits for toppings :)
    My husband is making dinner tonight!! He is making breakfast for dinner. Eggs chorizo in a tortilla. Yummy!
    Refrigerator clean out night.

    Mystery meat, Mystery Meat, Twice as fun to say as it is to eat!!!
    Spaghetti ,its totally awesome tasting.Plus some root beer. I guess im gonna be stacking noodles on my plate all night.
    I'm having Pizza Beer and Monday night football, Which has become a family tradition for the last 11 years.

    Information On The Making Of Stained Glass Windows?

    Can anyone give the site addy for the design and how stained glass windows are made?

    And before some wise *** tells me to use a search engine for this question I have not got time to mess around with a search engine!Information On The Making Of Stained Glass Windows?
    Looked it up on Wikipedia. THey've got an excellent explanation of their history but not much on how they're made so I looked up one of their sources, a book by Elizabeth Morris, even went to Doubleday, the publisher's site but found nothing.

    So I changed my angle and looked for ';stained glass'; on Google and Altavista. Found something on Google.鈥?/a>


    on eHow鈥?/a>

    There's even a forum where you can have your questions answered at

    Hope you'll find what you're looking for.Information On The Making Of Stained Glass Windows?
    i can give you the details of a guy who makes them

    e-mail me for details
    from patch modeling glass peace and nickels glue
    Um, a search engine takes less time than asking here...but here you go:

    Making stained glass windows takes time, good luck with that.

  • toner refill
  • figure
  • Jambalaya - I remember making one a long time ago, with hamhocks. It also had chicken and sausage?

    Of course, I can't find it. I have all the ingredients, but not the recipe. How long should I cook the hamhocks? They're already smoked. Also, the recipe called for Uncle Ben's. (Got it). There are a lot of ($$) ingredients and time here and I want to make something special for my family before I go to work tonight. Any tips (cooking time, etc) will be appreciated. Wish I could send you all some! Thanks.Jambalaya - I remember making one a long time ago, with hamhocks. It also had chicken and sausage?
    2 ham hocks

    4 carrots, diced

    3 C chopped onions, divided

    3 C chopped celery, divided

    2 bay leaves

    1 whole chicken (3 lbs), giblets removed

    3 T canola or peanut oil

    1 green bell pepper

    6 green onions, chopped

    1 can (28 oz) tomatoes, chopped, reserve the liquid

    4 T tomato paste

    1/4 C chopped fresh parsley

    4-6 cloves garlic

    1 tsp. thyme leaves

    2 tsp. dried basil

    1/4 tsp. cayenne

    T Worcestershire Sauce

    1 lb. smoked sausage, sliced

    salt, pepper and hot sauce (preferably Tabasco) to taste

    2 C uncooked rice

    Serves 10-12

    Place ham hocks, carrots, 1 1/2 cups onion and 1 1/2 cups celery in a large pot and cover over with water. Cook for about 2 hours then add the chicken and 1 bay leaf. Cover and simmer for about an hour, or until chicken is tender.

    Allow pot to cool for a bit and remove chicken and ham hocks. Remove the skin and bone and chop meat from chicken and ham hocks. Reserve the stock, you'll need about 3-4 cups of it overall (add water if you need to).

    In a large Dutch Oven, heat the oil and add remaining onion, and pepper and saut茅 until tender. Add remaining celery green onions and tomatoes and cook until vegetables are soft. Add the chopped ham and tomato paste and cook until the mixture just begins to brown. Add remaining ingredients, except sausage and chicken. Add 2 cups of the reserved stock. Cook for about an hour.

    In a hot skillet, brown sausage slices. Add browned sausage slices to Dutch Oven and drain excess grease from pan. Return skillet to heat and add chopped chicken meat. Deglaze with 1 cup reserved stock, then add contents to skillet to Dutch Oven. Add rice, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook until rice is tender, about 20-25 minutes. Watch carefully that your Jambalaya doesn't dry out. You might need to add additional stock or water in order to for the rice to finish cooking.Jambalaya - I remember making one a long time ago, with hamhocks. It also had chicken and sausage?
    Its a easy recipe with many variations.Here are a few鈥?/a>

    What does it mean when a dream is filled with love making scenes from start to finish?

    I like how you left out the detail that it is you and your mom in your dreams. It means that you crave incest with your mom, you have an Oedipus complex.What does it mean when a dream is filled with love making scenes from start to finish?
    You have a lack of fulfillment in your life.What does it mean when a dream is filled with love making scenes from start to finish?
    simple: one is sexually preoccupied.
    Time to change the sheets...
    It means you are lonely. You can't fulfill your day time desire so you perfer to do it dream. In other case, if you watch too much movie in that kind, that will result in dreaming that as well.

    From start to finish means you want to complete your desire at night time. This is coming out from your subconscious mind
    That it was a good dream
    You are lucky. I very seldom ever get that far in my dreams. I get some kisses and a little nudity but everythime I get ready to

    go all the way I wake up or get woke up.
    You're horny.
    Spirita explains your dreams

    Visit and post your question as a comment. You'll get your FREE dream interpretation (as a comment, too) shortly. Just remember where you posted your question, your dream interpretation will be under the same section.

    My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?

    When he was sleeping he was kind of twitching and making this strange yippy noise. He does this a lot and we assume he's just dreaming but I was wondering what it really is.My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?
    my dog does that too, it's just a dream.. nothing to worry about :)My dog was making weird noises in his sleep?
    You assume correctly:) Your dog is indeed dreaming. Any creature that can sleep can also dream, dogs are no exception. They can also have nightmares!

    What they dream about is anyone's guess. When I was a child, my grandma often told me that when Lady (my grandparents' dog) would bare her teeth and growl in her sleep, it meant she was dreaming about another dog trying to steal her favorite bone! Of course, we never knew, but it was fun to speculate.

    It's funny to see an animal dream; wonder if they feel the same about us? Hard to say.
    My dog does that too. She gets into it at nap time. She is ambitious then I think. She chases things and growls and yips. Her legs twitch and everything. It is funny to watch though.
    just dreaming I think. All dogs and sometimes cats do it. My dog snores along with the cats. I think they are dreaming of a field of bones or food.
    Yea, my dog does that too, hes just dreaming. Hes probably dreaming about chasing an animal or barking at someone.
    Some dogs snort in there dreams it could be natural he could possibly have breatheing issues like pugs an other dogs with the smashed in faces do that but if its new you should totally see a vet.
    he is dreaming

    my dog does that sometimes. .. his legs move and he kind of whines a little bit but then wakes

    dont worry :)
    He was dreaming... if he seemed like he was having a ';nightmare (or whatever dogs have)'; then he may have anxiety issues.
    He's probably dreaming. You know how humans talk in there sleep and snore; well it's like that. :D
    It is because dreaming and also cause comfy dont worry
    hes in the sweet doggy dreamland of cats and squirels and mailmen...or whatever dogs dream about.
    Yeah, my dog does it too. It's nothing to worry about, he's just dreaming.
    he was probaly just dreaming sometimes my dog does that too
    He's dreaming!! Its kinda funny when they do that!
    Hes Having A Nightmare!! Nothing More To It...
    hes just dreaming my dog does that all the time
    Haha! My dog used to do that, hes dreaming! =D
    All normal, and has to do with dreams.
    my dog does that to. its probbably just dreaming.

    How much money will I need for the first years of making a Dental clinic?

    Just want to know how much money I need to make a Dental Clinic.How much money will I need for the first years of making a Dental clinic?
    Dental clinic is a bigger scale than a practice so you will have to employ dentists and staff is alot, so you looking at close on 500 000 us dollars approx in expenses alone

    Why are women such attention seekers? Do they enjoy making good men like me feel bad?

    Do they get a kick out of making men feel bad? Good example for me, a girl I like in a club may give me good eye contact and smile, which I interpret as a promising signal, might try and move in and then she gets scared or sumthing, just a bit of a tease. Any advice from you women? Is it supposed to be a game, like am I supposed to show how much I want them?Why are women such attention seekers? Do they enjoy making good men like me feel bad?
    Oh dont think this of all girls most are nice to boys , you will meeting a nice girl one day soon but dont think that all are the same .. this will only make you thence around girls .............I wish you many luck...Katie :-)Why are women such attention seekers? Do they enjoy making good men like me feel bad?
    People tend to seek attention, both male and female. Just because someone makes eye contact and smiles at you, doesn't mean they have any desire to meet you or get to know you better. It's worth checking out if you are curious or interested, but you having expectations doesn't make them the 'bad guy' if you wrongly assumed they were interested. People can be friendly/open without wanting anything from you.

    Some people do intentionally attract others though (or try to), just to see if they can do it. That's not really kind, but it gives them an ego boost that they can get attention or they might be able to easily hook up with someone, if they so desired. Both men and women participate in this behavior.
    That's quite...ermm..what's the word? Prejudiced? Well not really - but you know what I mean - just because some women are doesn't mean we all are. Sometimes girls are just being friendly if they smile at you - we are very complicated, it's not usually a signal for anything. And I admit, girls do usually like playing games :)
    maybe she was just being polite with the smile!

    err just go and talk to someone you like the look of without any cheesy lines

    just say something like ';you look lovely by the way'; and carry on from there
    Just because a woman smiles at you, it doesnt mean she wants to sleep with you, gawdd.

    When making tacos for 70 people how much seasoned taco meat and cheese should one plan on?

    trying to determine the amount of meat I must purchase and cook to serve 70 people tacos. What about grated cheese? this is going to be a potluck and everyone will bring something to make the taco bar.When making tacos for 70 people how much seasoned taco meat and cheese should one plan on?
    15 lbs. of meat and 5 lbs. of cheese.When making tacos for 70 people how much seasoned taco meat and cheese should one plan on?
    Plan about 1 ounce of meat per taco and 3 tacos per person, so 13 POUNDS of meat would be a minimum. In addition, if you use soft flour tortillas you will use more meat than if you use hard, preformed corn tortillias

    As for cheese... get the pre-grated mexican 4 cheese blend. About 1/3 ounce per taco and 3 tacos per person would still be 210 tacos divided by 3 or 70 ounces or 4.4 POUNDS of cheese.

    Adjust these amounts by how much you think others will bring or how hungry they will be. Also, if you use soft shells, some people may want to make Tostados and you can double the amounts of meat and cheese if someone wants one or two of those.

    On the other hand, if you just invite me, I'll bring the beer and the band if we are anywhere near the party... he,he,he...
    With that many people, I would suggest that at least a few more people bring the meat for the filling.

    Someone could do chicken, another shredded pork, and then ground beef. If you all prepared enough for 20 people and little extra, you'd be all set.

    The rest of the stuff is easy.
    Wow! Sounds like a great taco party. To really help you out, go talk to a manager at a local Mexican restaurant or Taco Bell. They will be more than glad to help you out. This way you'll get the heads-up on mixing large amounts of both beef, seasoning, cheese...everything. Good luck and happy eating.
    If others are bringing things for the potluck,then just cook up 10 pounds of meat.That will do it,if you are the only one bringing meat.2 pounds of grated cheeses is plenty.After all,you just need a little of each for tacos.Sounds like a plan...
    at least 14 lbs of meat. Or 1 lb per 3 people. And atleast 1 or 2lb of cheese and grate it yourself to save money.
    i would do 10 kg mince

    4kg of cheese
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  • When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I don't know If i'm making milk or not...I'm not leaking anyways. But my cousins girlfriend started leaking at like 28 or 29 weeks and so did my friend. Is it possible for a women to just not make any milk? Do you think I'm fine and is it just different w/ each girl?When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?
    Your milk comes in about 3 days after birth, sometimes 5 days for c-section moms. Until then, your body is making colustrum, which is PACKED with antibodies for your baby. It's a clear to yellowish fluid, sometimes a little cloudy in color. If you squeeze your nipples you should be able to see some droplets. But you have to squeeze right behind your nipple, on the areola. The nipple itself doesn't really have much to do with let down, it's the area immediatly behind it, which is why when your munchkin latches on you need to make sure s/he has most of your areola in their mouth or they aren't going to get much and you're going to get sore cracked nipples. If it hurts when your baby begins nursing, you need to get a better latch. That's why your nipples and areola darken in pregnancy. It's natures way of giving baby a more visible target.When your pregnant when are you suppose to start making milk?
    I did not leak at ALL with my first pregnancy, or this one yet. And I had no trouble nursing when the time came.
    After the placenta is ejected from the body the milk production begins..
    You dont actually produce milk till after the baby is born. You produce colustrum(spelling) as early as 14weeks. I wouldnt worry everyone is different.
    Perfectly normal. Milk production is spurred by the drop in progesterone and high prolactin levels after the birth of the baby. Prolactin will continue to be elevated as the baby suckles or it will drop if he/she does not. Congratulations and happy motherhood!鈥?/a>
    Well I started leaking with my first at I believe 7 months pregnant but that is just pre-milk it's not actually milk. You don't actually start making milk till a couple days after the baby is born.
    yes its different with each girl. i'm 15 weeks, almost 16. and i started leaking some clear fluids just yesterday! it freaked me out. but just to be sure its not something else that is making you not produceing ask your doctor.
    not all woment leak for instance i leaked when i was 4 months with my son and now i dont leak but a lil bit sometimes. everyone is different and your body naturally produces milk. ask your dr if you not for sure. i think that your fine. good luck with your lil one
    Your breast should feel tender right away from the new hormones in your body- and if you squeeze them you may be able to get a little bit out- but for me mine didn't come in fully until after I gave birth- I woke up in the middle of the night with GIANT boobies!!! It was a little strange-
    Honey, His girlfriend is leak pre-milk (i forget what it's called). Milk comes AFTER the baby; it can come the day you give birth up to a week or two late. I leaked at four months and got my milk the day I had my son... It sucked leaking for all those months, you are actually very lucky!

    Good luck and don't compare yourself to other pregnant woman, everyone is different!
    some women leak colostrum during pregnancy and some don't. It really doesn't make a difference in the end as to your milk production capabilities. I didn't leak at all and I had sooo much milk! My son is 2 years old and I'm STILL producing a little milk....and I'm not breastfeeding.
    Your milk doesnt come in until after you have your baby usally a couple days later....not all pregnant women leak while being pregnant...I didn't with my 1 st but did with my second....leaking while pregnant doesn't mean you won't make milk to breastfeed with.....I leaked with the 2nd and I am breastfeeding and I have a ton of milk....
    Yes, some women do not make milk - but that is rare.

    It is fine that you are not leaking - don't worry about it! It will be there when your baby needs it.
    Relax. You will make milk when it's time.Not every woman leaks during pregnancy, but almost every woman is able to make milk! If we couldn't, the human race would have died out.
    Its different with everyone, But most women dont actually have their milk come in until a few days after the baby is born. So I wouldnt stress out about it.
    mine never came in until a week after my baby was born, every woman is different

    I would like info on an affordable camcorder for making videos?

    I want to start making video blogs online, and I need a quality camcorder that would allow me to easily record myself, make videos, etc. Could anyone provide links to an affordable camcorder that would let me take these videos at home, outside, etc? Nothing too costly, but quality matters, too.I would like info on an affordable camcorder for making videos?
    you can have a look at the Sony Cyber-shot , it is really cheap.鈥?/a>

    Help making fluffy tortillas?

    My grandmother made the best tortillas. They came out fluffy and white with big brown spots. When I try to make them they come out flat with no spots. I mix self rising flour, water, and Crisco. I roll out the tortillas and put them on a skillit at about medium temperature. Any tips on what I should be doing? Will it help if the skillit is hotter or lower? Does it matter the length of time I need the dough or let it set? Thanks for any advice.Help making fluffy tortillas?
    As far as the brown spots, it may be your skillet isn't hot enough (it should be done over medium high heat rather than medium heat), or you just aren't cooking them long enough. Preheat a heavy skillet over medium high heat. Place the tortillas one at a time into the dry hot skillet; cook until they start to brown on one side, then turn and brown the other side.

    You might want to add a little baking powder to the mix to help with the fluffiness.Help making fluffy tortillas?
    The amount of water is critical, and we can't be scientific because flour has various levels of moisture inherent within it as a product. Go to a 50/50 mixture of all-purpose flour and self-rise (it has little specks of yeast in it). If your recipe calls for 1/4 cup of water, pour off and reserve 2 tblspoon. Add tblspoon at a time until you get a dry mixture. Add more if necessary. Divided into dough balls evenly. Let the flour ';flex'; by letting the dough balls rest for 45 minutes -- that makes a skin on the ball as an added benefit that helps in the making that tortilla fluff.

    Sorry, it's a science, but it's not a science. And, I wish I could hand-pat the corn variety as good as those Mexican ladies do it.

    3 slices boiled ham

    1 Mission Bell tortilla wrap

    1 wedge Laughing Cow cheese

    1 tablespoon pepperoncini

    1 packet Taco Bell hot sauce or 1 tablespoon

    2 tablespoons red onion, chopped

    garlic and onion powder

    1 teaspoon mayonnaise, olive oil or sour cream (optional)

    pinch of oregano (optional)

    Layer the slices of ham on the tortilla wrap. Cut the cheese into five or six chunks and distribute evenly over the ham. Chop the onion and sprinkle over the ham and cheese. Add the hot sauce and any optional toppings. Sprinkle with garlic powder, onion powder and pepperoncini.

    Wrap up burrito style, fasten with a wooden toothpick, and microwave 30 to 40 seconds.

    Repeat for each tortilla.

    Makes 1 tortilla.

    Does anyone have any insights they can offer for making wind chimes?

    I want to make wind chimes as a project that I can give to friends and family and eventually sell to the local outdoors centers in my area. I'm looking to make chimes that are made of copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc. I'm looking for deep resonating sounds and unique designs. All suggestions are welcomed.Does anyone have any insights they can offer for making wind chimes?
    If you have an engineering firm or metal worker near you, go and beg scrap and offcuts from them.

    I am very fond of the clunky sound of wooden chimes. 1'; diameter (approx) bamboo seems to work well. You can get lengths of it at a garden centre very often (where they often also sell them and you can take a look and get tips for making them).

    The bigger the article, the deeper the sound and some materials 'ring' better than others. You just have to find what makes a nice noise.

    Glass, broken plates and even certain stones (hard slate, for example) chime well but are difficult to drill - you need a slow speed drill, a masonry bit and LOTS of care and patience (a drill press is very handy, too).Does anyone have any insights they can offer for making wind chimes?
    You can also go to Goodwill and pick up old silverware, old tea cups and saucers if you have a glass drill bit, you glue the cup to the saucer and hang the silverware from the saucer, be sure to use a good glue or epoxy on the cup and saucer. Good Luck with your new project.
    i think the bigger the pipe the deeper the sound. just experiment with some of the stuff.
    There are mail order companies which will sell you parts to make wind chimes. search the net
    I have seen windchimes made from old silverware ... I love them and think they're charming..
    Considering the price of copper these days I would think about using a different material. You can find all kinds of hardwood dowels,in different diameters to use instead.

    How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?

    Whenever I need to decide on something i always stood confused because both sides seeems true.How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?
    You can't overcome your sense of uncertainty, it's just the way you work. Many famous people were the same way. Albert Einstein, for example. In school, his teachers thought he was stupid because he couldn't decide an answer to their questions. He had to see all the facts before he saw clarity in one side, and that is why he was so brilliant, is because he had a mental capacity to analyze what others didn't. Same goes with you.

    I'm this way too, and I've just learned to accept the way I am, and use it to my advantage. (career choices, friends I keep, etc.)How do I overcome the sense of uncertainity while making decisions?
    There is no right answers when making a decision. Today this looks right and tomorrow that looks even righter. Ever hear the saying one mans meat is another mans poison.

    Nothing is right or wrong, but something can be right for the moment or as they say right for right now. If you are looking to make long term decisions that you feel are correct and since life is always changing, all decisions are potentially risky.What's best is to be sensible and willing to adapt new points of view and not to be closed off. The longer you live the more you will overcome your sense of uncertainty.
    Many times, both sides are true this is difficult for the high functioner, due to several factors. I found one factor myself, but I doubt you will vote this answer #1. Not many people believe me when I tell them that I am a Celiac.

    Now celiac can run in any level of intelligence. They say celiacs is just a gut disease. It is not. The science behind food allergy and genetic testing, is obviously a minor conspiracy theory. I can tell you I have scientifically and accurately defined these theories. I can't get anyone to believe the FDA isn't always looking out for our best interests.

    People of high intelligence, often have the same problems like you, and the last answer albert einstein.But Einsteins are becoming a dime a dozen as fast as we blink our eyes.

    So to answer your question, to improve your clarity, you need to increase the flow of blood to your mind organ. The Brain.

    Now 43% of the general population of the USA hold the genes used to identify, gluten intolerance. 35% of the population have dysfunctions related to celiacs. ( same thing) and an estimated 1 in 133 have what is known as celiac sprue, lucky me. That is nearly 1% of the public of the USA have a potentially deadly and severely painful gut malfunction.

    What most people do not know, is that even though you are not in celiac sprue, consuming the allergen during times of high stress, will slow the absorption rate, even if you are not in active sprue. Absorption is obviously your bodies ability to absorb neutients to feed your organs and bodily functions. Keep in mind, you mind is operated by an organ known as the brain.

    The result in me was drastic. I suffered severe sprue. You may not have the same drastic recovery I felt. The only way to disribe the change is to leave behind the foggy anxieties, to be replaced with clear confidence, is what I experienced.

    If you want to follow a source trail, found by me, the son of a retired senior pharmaceutical lobbyist, and many other self diagnosed celiacs, it will take time to find the list of associated diseases and even longer to read this list. I will give you a brief mispelled few.

    Diabetes, asthma, lupus, parkinson's, epilepsy, terret's, all mental health, I repeat all forms of mental health, ADHD to Autism and Downe's, and trust me when I say, what is being proven to help nearly any dysfunction is being burried. This is not conducive to the wealthy and powerful pharmaceutical companies that advise the FDA.

    I found out through pure genetic sciences. NO doctor in $100,000 of pure wasted health care misdiagnosis ever aided me in this diagnosis. They do not want to acknowledge and reeducate. I solved this massive failure of our health care with a 100% accurate genetic blood test. I have the highly evolved hunter gatherer gene from the pacific rim. There are many genes now being considered in this HG manner. The two genes most associated with this dysfunction are the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 modifiers. I am DQ8.

    Please try to follow. This may greatly improve your mental clarity and confidence. These sources are more creditable than even current government offer health web sites. You decide if this is for you. These are the 2 doctors we brought to this country to educate our new doctors as to what this food allergy issue is.
    if you dont have to make a decision, dont. if you do then go with your gut instinct. if you have no gut instinct then go with the decision that will least play on your concience. If you are still panicking then just think of the worst case scenario for each decision you make and you will realise that nothing bad will happen and relax :)
    If both sides are true then why would it matter what you decide? You're putting too much pressure on yourself to be right instead of doing whatever it is and dealing with what comes next.
    Many times it's because you do not have enough back ground information regarding your choices .
    Are you sure seems isn't spelled, ';seems';?

    When making candles at home, is there something that I have to dip the wicks in so they keep burning?

    My candles never seem to stay lit. Do I have to treat the string with something?When making candles at home, is there something that I have to dip the wicks in so they keep burning?
    Wick material is very important. In general, the wicks I have gotten in regular craft stores are really inferior and not good at all for making a usable candle. I don't have a source to give you anymore, but you could do a search for candlemaking supplies and order the best you can find. There are 2 different kinds - wired and non-wired. For container candles I get the wired kind.

    BTW - regular string does not work.When making candles at home, is there something that I have to dip the wicks in so they keep burning?
    The wick isn't what burns. The heat of the flame melts the wax and the wick (';to wick'; means to draw) draws the liquid wax up to the flame, where it burns. (When the candle has burned down a bit, the wick can't draw the liquid wax all the way up, so the top of the flame burns the end of the wick, which is dry.) If the wick doesn't wick well the flame dies. A good wick is woven properly and made of quality thread. A cheap wick is made of cheap cotton and has very little space for the wax to travel up, so it doesn't work very well.
    HI hope this helps i have left over candles and melt them all together because it is cheaper and you don't have to put them in the garbage ,So i melt them in a old pot on the stove let it boil and let it melt and put the wick on a toothpick something long to fit the can keep it straighten then went it is hard open the other end of the can and it well come out Be careful not for kids to do with out there mom or dad ,
    i'm not sure if you're doing it or not, but you do have to dip the wick in the molten wax %26amp; let it dry. then use these wicks to make the candle. this coating of wax ensures that the wick gets enough fuel to burn alongside the candle.

    hope this helps

    all the best %26amp; have fun
    i think that perhaps the brand of wick you're getting is inadequate?

    i don't know, just an opinion.
    are you using bees wax?
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  • What is the difference between preserves,and jam,when it comes to put jelly on your bread,making sandwhiches?

    I was wandering,if there was any difference Any suggestions?What is the difference between preserves,and jam,when it comes to put jelly on your bread,making sandwhiches?
    Jam is usually cooked with a high quantity of sugar, after mashing the fruit to a pulp. Preserves, which will also contain sugar and be cooked to kill off bacteria, feature the fruit in its original form, or cut into smaller pieces so that it is recognizable from its original form. So, preserves are great on ice cream or waffles, but jam is better on sandwiches, toast, because it can be spread thinly!What is the difference between preserves,and jam,when it comes to put jelly on your bread,making sandwhiches?
    Yes, there is a difference. Jam is make with the whole fruit while jelly is made with just the juice. Jelly is normally easier to spread as it is less chunky. ( preserves are the same as jam normally)
    preserves usually have bigger chunks of fruit in them. Jams have smaller size pieces and jellies are smooth with no visible fruit. Just depends upon your preference.
    Different words for the same thing. Distinguish from ';jelly';, which (unlike the others) contains no fruit pulp.
    Preserves are mostly fruit and can be large pieces of fruit for that matter, that are preserved through cooking and canning. Jelly or jam is made with more liquid and sugar, with the fruit pureed or mashed, hens . . .the jelly. Both are delicious, I prefer jelly for sandwiches; it spreads better. Preserves are good for desserts etc . . .

    How realistic would it be for me to eventually making a career out of day trading?

    I'm 20 years old and have been investing since I was 17. I'm working towards my finance degree but I really don't want to work a regular job and retire when I'm 95. Is it realistic for me to someday make a career out of day trading? Does anyone out there do this?

    I do understand how risky of a business this is and how much luck is involved. Just looking for some experienced individuals in the field.How realistic would it be for me to eventually making a career out of day trading?
    Yes you can, I know because I do. The real problem with most day traders are they are just gambling without having to go to a casino. You need a lot of self discipline. I have a set amount I look to make each day. Knowing when to fold is the hardest part. I don't let anything go south long ... it is gone. I don't wait for it to start back.

    I had a buddy who recently took a bath in CROC Bought one day for 70 (?) it opened down about thirty points the next day. If it had been me I would have sold at market as soon as it happened... cause it won't get much better and it hasn't.

    It is in the selling not the buying that will make you money. If you try to hit the highest price or buy at the lowest you will go broke.

    Limit your positions to two or three. So you can act quickly if you need to.How realistic would it be for me to eventually making a career out of day trading?
    It is realistic to trade for a living - as long as you are willing to put the time and effort into it.

    I find swing trading as profitable but less risky and stressful.
    Your getting a finance degree...come on guy, you should know day trading is only a descent idea if youve got millions stacked in your can retire by age 45 if you have a good plan set...ask your professors or talk to a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor! :)
    Yeah, I day traded 7 years ago and worked part time. It was great. I would have 6 trades in a row that would make me gains. Then the 7th trade would wipe out all my gains. One week I made $30,000 on a $10,000 investment. Then after that I bought a car. The markets then turned downward in early 2000's and I lost money and I barely could pay the $9500 in taxes for gains during that time. Then I had like a thousand left.

    So the lesson now is to not gamble and invest instead. I let Buffett do all my homework and then I buy what he buys. SO far it has been great.

    Really, if you make good investing decisions now and choose a great career that you like, you won't have to retire at 95. My mother is great with investing and she retired by INVESTING at 41.

    Likelihood of
    You will have to assemble a lot of cash to be able to live off of it, whether ';day trading'; or any form of investing.
    Since you're so young you have plenty of time to make mistakes investing... what I'd recommend is to build up money into a regular 401k and then when you switch jobs transfer it into an regular IRA. Try investing that money and see how you fare with money that it won't hurt you to lose.

    You'll eventually need a spouse who has a good job with benefits cause good health insurance is a killer to afford as an investor.
    many people do it......but you need large amounts of they say, it takes money to make money. It's getting that first real chunk of money that's hard.

    I too have these aspirations, but have a relatively small balance. Even if I earn 10% this year, I still can't quit my day job.
    Not very realistic or profitable. Most of the day traders of the 90s are long gone.

    Many try.

    I have yet to meet one person who can prove they have done it profitably for more than a few months without some big start up money (A couple hundred K).

    Of all the ';King Day Traders'; who yakked on and on through 2001, I know of none who continue to be successful today. Yeah, maybe I missed one...but I'll bet you a $1 there is something important he won't tell you about his ';success.';

    Bottom line: clients, commissions, and financial backers are the linchpin of success in the financial marketplace...don't leave home without all of them.

    Ergo -- it is unrealistic to think you can make a career out of it.

    When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?

    I am making cordials using sugar, fresh berries, and vodka. It needs to sit for 2 months. Do I need to give the jar an air tight seal? Also, do I need to refrigerate it? It makes me nervous not to seal anything with fresh fruit but fermenting alcohol can explode if sealed. So I am confused. When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?
    i think a loose lid is ok. I made dandelion wine a few ywars back and just covered the tops with muslin to let it breathe. with cordials though, you're simply adding flavor to an already fermented spirit, so fermentation isn't really happening as much. unless you're making fresh booze, not just adding berries to vodka or whatever, i think you can seal the tops.When making cordials, do you have to give the jar an air tight seal?
    when we have made brandied cherries we never sealed the jars...just filled with Kirsch and put in the fridge for about 1 negative effects.

    the sugar as well as the alcohol will kill all the bacteria.
    it wouldnt be a bad idea

    My hot water heater smells like its burning when making hot water?

    Whenever the tank is refilling it smells like it is burningMy hot water heater smells like its burning when making hot water?
    There might be a loose electrical connection .My hot water heater smells like its burning when making hot water?
    I had this happen once and it turned out the vent pipe had fallen to one side and was touching building material; the heat was scorching my house! I was lucky it didn't catch fire.
    Need to know if it is gas electric. Is it a new tank?

    If it's gas, check that the vent is not plugged.

    Is this a gas water heater? Something on the vent pipe or something in the burner area that's not suppose to be there.

    Call someone if you cant locate the problem.

    If electric you may have a faulty connection somewhere in it. Call someone if your not capable.

    After making an offer, how long does it typically take to hear something back?

    My fiance and I made an offer on a house that should have been presented this morning. However there were 2 offers on this property already. The house just went on the market last week, and I must say it was a heck of a deal. How long would they take offers?

    The house is in foreclosure, and the asking price was significantly lower than the appraised value. However, we offered $9k over the asking price. What's our chances here? The agent seemed to think that the other 2 offers might be people looking for investment properties so they're just trying to make a quick dollar.

    Would the people who are looking over the offers possibly favor someone looking to buy for a residence if the monetary values are close? Just wanting some ideas of what to expect. I'm not getting my hopes up.After making an offer, how long does it typically take to hear something back?
    The Realtor my just trying to up the price for more commission i would not up my price any more just say that what your offer is and see what they do.After making an offer, how long does it typically take to hear something back?
    With the multiple bid situation they probably wouldnt accept yours even if it is the highest-- they may open up a bidding war by counteroffering a much higher price yet.

    You should have set a time limit as far as when your offer expires. If its owned by a bank often they have set meeting times and present all offers then.

    24 hours is the norm for a regular house.
    ms home buyer; fast, plz, did you seek out

    a BUYER's ONLY agent?

    I am thinking you did not.

    90% of real estate licensee represent sellers and just

    help buyers when they can.

    if you do not have an agreement with your RE agent

    that she -he represents you your fiduciary,

    then you will not get the service that you expect.

    contact the agent's broker to see if you are being rep'd


    then we can get into deal making!
    how much time did your offer give to receive a response? A time frame is required to have a contract.

    Where to buy a good audio recording system for making of music album in Malaysia?

    try sungeiwang plaza in KL
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  • How do you get rid of LOUD idiots without making them louder?

    my sister, a few classmates, they all think they're better than me because they all have more friends than me. i'm tired of their crap. im a little pickier than they are, i like smart friends please help!How do you get rid of LOUD idiots without making them louder?
    Walk away when they get loud.

    What is the Practicability of making Home made Mincemeat?

    I have to finish my Home Economics journal and it asks this question.

    Any help?

    ThanksWhat is the Practicability of making Home made Mincemeat?
    I have made it with suet and just with fruit, I use plenty of fruits and a fair amount of molasses, booze is a good preservative, but flavouring are fine, I make mine in September or October and let it mellow for a few months, I have even made it in sealing jars and given it as Xmas gifts along with my 100 proof Xmas cakes.What is the Practicability of making Home made Mincemeat?
    Practicability- - Practicality

    You do mean ground meat and not the raisin pie for Christmas. .? ?

    It depends $ $ $

    Can you get meat at a true bargain price. . ?

    Do have a manual grinder - - or an electric. . manual is tiresome and hard? ?

    then there is the time - - to do the grinding - - and then the clean up

    Practicality- -

    My first guess is IF your single NO

    You have a small family (4) iffy - - with all the work involved

    IF you have large and extended family ( like a church group) and your doing 20- - 100 lbs yes

    I do not know the prices Over the pond but hamburger here jumps from $2.80卤 $3.40卤 but every so often we can get a family pack (3lbs) for less than $2.00- - Is it quality meat. . ? who knows

    What other effects do kelp tablets have apart from making your hair grow faster?

    I really want my hair to grow faster and I've heard that kelp tablets double the speed of hair growth. I've also heard that they can be used as diet pills but I don't want to lose weight. Is this true and are there any other effects?What other effects do kelp tablets have apart from making your hair grow faster?
    Kelp is a rich source of Iodine, Iodine is readily absorbed and transported via the bloodstream to the thyroid gland, where it is used by the body to make the hormone Thyroxin which is involved in the regulation of the metabolism.

    Do not take if pregnant or by anyone with thyroid problems.

    But there is really no conclusive evidence that it is a diet pill.It just looks good in the magazine pull outs.

    How useful is an electric hand whisk for when making baked foods?

    explain why...

    Please help me?How useful is an electric hand whisk for when making baked foods?
    An electric hand mixer was invented merely as a tool of ';convenience';. It speeds up the time %26amp; effort of mixing batters %26amp; doughs by hand. Also, it can help to add in large volumes of air, it can mix out ';lumps'; in batters and it can really help out when there is a large volume of mixing to do...esp. in a commercial baking situation. However, you can do ';without'; it. People have baked things for centuries without the aid of a mixer. Hands are a cook/bakers best tools.How useful is an electric hand whisk for when making baked foods?
    I had one from the TV adds.

    A battery operated with two plastic beaters

    It worked fine for mixing for my omelet .scrambled eggs quiche or the corn starch or flour for gravy also blending the yeast and sugar ?? what else - - dry mix flour %26amp; spices.

    Your wisk,,, here in californix,(* spellcheck does not work,,)

    IS just a mixer and requires a plug in power source..

    I only use mine to mash potatoes and cakes,, whipped cream or marangue.

    Gbxqurf.. spell check does not work on the entire document!!!

    ???? sorry
    electric, some recipes call to be mixed 200 times some say beat for 2 min. after a while this gets old you will want a short cut.

    How much must a contractor working under a 1099 charge to equal the pay of a FT employee making $150K?

    Is there a simple formula to calculate the contractor rate that equals the full time employee compensation? I understand that the contractor must pay Personal Employment Tax and their own insurance, but am not certain about those costs.

    Let me know if any additional info is needed for an approximation of the formula used to identify the cost/benefit of going 1099.How much must a contractor working under a 1099 charge to equal the pay of a FT employee making $150K?
    If you work on a 1099, you pay self-employment taxes of 15.3%. You'd pay half of that as FICA deductions if you were an employee, so to compensate for the extra you pay with a 1099, you'd have to make around an additional $12,000 to equal $150K for a W-2 employee.

    Fringes like insurance depend on what you'd have to pay to get comparable individual coverage, and that depends on your family situation. You'd have to check around in your area to see what it would cost you, then add that on to the $150K + $12K. And don't forget items like vacation and sick days - as a contractor, you'll only get paid for the actual hours that you work.

    Good luck.How much must a contractor working under a 1099 charge to equal the pay of a FT employee making $150K?

    The way it works is the Self-Employment tax is equal to what you would have paid into Medicare/Social Security as a regular employee. Since you are 1099'd, you don't pay any taxes out of a paycheck, but rather at the end of the year. In this way, you are not being taxed any more or less, just at a different time period. In other words, to make the same as an employee who makes 150k, you simply need to make 150k.

    However, if you want to have 150k take home, that is completely different. If that is the case, it depends on your state income tax, any credits or deductions received, etc. and is difficult, but possible, to figure out. Easiest way would be to fill out a 1040 with all expectations, and see what the tax comes out to be, and then add that back to the top (and a little extra to account for changes in any tax brackets caused by higher income).

    Hope that helps.

    Why is everyone making such a big deal about North Korea Blowing up a Nuke cooling tower that didn't work?

    This particular plant has been in disrepair and inoperable for years. What they blew up was little more than a shell. It's not like they shut a reactor down and dismantled it just to appease the US and its allies. Why is this such a big deal?Why is everyone making such a big deal about North Korea Blowing up a Nuke cooling tower that didn't work?
    The 25% of Americans that still support Bush will claim this is a victory of his great international political wisdom. The reactor has been shutdown for at least a year and the several hundred kilos of weapons grade plutonium is missing. I don't know what the celebration is all about either.Why is everyone making such a big deal about North Korea Blowing up a Nuke cooling tower that didn't work?
    Symbolism. Your avatar looks like a Marine. If you are, you understand symbolism.
    There were skilled atomic observers there who all said this was the first step in North Korea dismantling they nuclear establishments or do you know more than them ?
    Not everyone of us is fooled. But then, there are those on here who want us to leave Iran alone and let them have nukes too. Pathetic.
    You call it a shell? That was part of the their path to the 2006 explosion success.
  • toner refill
  • figure
  • How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?

    He grabs a bar with his beak %26amp; lets it go, to make a loud noise

    to get our attention...We ignore him completely, but he carries on...We eventually have to cover him to get him to stop, but don't want him covered all the time naturally. He is totally tame by the way... We have 3 other birds but they get lots of individual attention and time out of their cages.How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?
    The best thing to do is to let him keep doing it because they are naturally inquisitive animals and you basically want them to be happy. The only real solution would be to get it a cage with sturdier bars like a cal cage.How can I get my 10 yr. old lovebird to stop making a ';plinging'; noise with his beak on the bars?
    My Parakeet does that. He clings his beak to the side of the cage and makes the bars vibrate. They do it for attention and affection. Rather than trying to stop this behavious you should praise it, it is there sign of love and affection towards you when you come near.
    Just say his name and ENOUGH in a loud firm voice and say

    NO MORE. If he carries on, cover him for 10 to 15 minutes.

    When he is quiet tell him he's good for being quiet and uncover him.

    My bird, when he squeals too much, i just say enough or no more and he stops. I don't even have to raise my voice, but i have taught him from a very young age, i hand reared him myself.

    He knows when he is a good boy and when he is a bad boy.

    He says hello, pretty boy, he calls the puss puss, when he sees or hears a dog he barks, he can do a monkey sound, he laughs, he says wanna come out, wolf whistles, he gives us kisses when we ask for one, he is toilet trained, when we ask him to look, he looks at whatever we are pointing or when we tell him to go over here or there he does.

    He is soo intellegent. You just have to teach him one thing at a time and spend alot of time teaching them. When they are good tell them they are good, and bad likewise.

    There like children.

    How do I know if it is the belt or pump making that noise?

    Is there any way to tell by looking at it myself whether or not I need a new pump installed, which is very expensive and I have no money, or if its the fluid or the belt, how can i tell if the belt is bad?How do I know if it is the belt or pump making that noise?
    Is it a high pitched screeeeeeeching sound? First check the tension of the belt. I do not know what type of belt it is, but there should be no more than half an inch of movement. Take some soft soap and rub it onto the inside of the belt. You won't have to cover the entire belt, about four or five inches will do. As it moves the soap will spread. If it is the belt, and the belt is the right tension, the noise will stop. MAKE SURE THE ENGINE IS TURNED OFF WHEN YOU CHECK THE TENSION AND APPLY THE SOAP.How do I know if it is the belt or pump making that noise?
    if its the belt it will have cracks on the underside. If it is the powersteering pump, it will come right from the source, use a cardboard tube from a old papertowel and put one end to your ear and the other to the unit. Do not use WD-40 on anything, if you get it on the belt and the engine cannot turn the pulley you will be without power steering. or loss of power to the engine.
    a belt will be dried out looking, and maybe cracked. It will also some times make a very high squealing sound.

    For a couple of dollars you can get some spray on stuff called belt dressing. Follow the directions(Very easy) and if the sound goes away after using it, your belt is the problem.
    There are chemicals out there to stop squealing belts, but you can just use a soapy water solution in a spray bottle. Spray it on the belt while its running, should quit squealing if its the belt. This is not a fix for your problem, only a test...
    Check the power steering pump fluid level.If low that is probably it.If the belt is cracked on the inside replace it.If tension is low the tensioner may need to be replaced.
    Does the belt look worn or frayed ? Try spraying WD40 on the belt while the motor is off, of course. Then start it and if it still squeaks then its not the belt.
    you can tell if the belt is bad by looking to see if the belt is pealing or if it is sqeeking
    Take some greese and put on the underside of the belt with the engine off. Start up and if the noise has changed it is the belt.
    if it's making a loud noise, it's the belt.

    Anyone good at making titles for powerpoint presentations?

    I am doing a powerpoint on Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and I need title that grabs my audience's attention. I am having a hard time even starting one.Anyone good at making titles for powerpoint presentations?
    ';Mind over Matter!';

    What are upside down cakes? Where can I get recipes for making them?

    also, do u know where I can get good recipes for parties?What are upside down cakes? Where can I get recipes for making them?
    Upside-Down cakes originated in North America, and were (and sometimes still are) baked in cast iron frying pans. These cakes are unique in that a decorative fruit topping is baked under the cake batter. Upside-Down Cakes are self-decorating cakes. Just bake and serve. The most popular upside-down cake is Pineapple.

    Try this link: are upside down cakes? Where can I get recipes for making them?
    Upside down cakes usually have fruit. The fruit is placed in the pan first and then the batter goes on top. When you take it out of the pan, the fruit will be on the top of the cake. You can find great recipes at
    a upside down cake is just a cake in a bunt pan you can find recipes in a cook book or the internet
    I'm getting hungry now! :)

    Plenty of good recipes right here:鈥?/a>
    Upside down cakes start off with brown sugar and sliced fruit then pour the cake batter over the top and bake. When cooled the cake is flipped upside down on a serving plate and there you have fruit on top with syrup dripping over the top of your cake.

    You can use pineapple, pears, peaches or apple slices for your fruit with canned cherries for garnish. Here are food channels recipes for upside down cakes:鈥?/a>
    here are a bunch

    good luck鈥?/a>
    Here's mine:


    1/2 cup margarine (1 stick) melted

    1 cup brown sugar

    1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)

    1 can pinneapple slices (reserve syrup)

    1 jar maraschino cherries

    1 cup sugar

    1 cup flour

    2 teaspoons baking powder

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    3 eggs

    1/4 cup pineapple syrup

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    Place the butter, brown sugar and walnuts in a frying pan and melt until it boils or bubbles. A cast iron pan works well because it's heavy and will be less likely to scorch. Place pineapples in the sugar mixture. Put cherries in the center of each pineapple. Cut the slices of pineapple into halves and line the sides of the frying pan with them (standing up on edge). In a bowl, combine sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and set aside. In seperate bowl, beat eggs until fluffy. Combine eggs, pineapple syrup, vanilla and

    dry ingredients; mix until smooth. Pour batter into the pan being careful not to disturb the pineapples and cherries. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to stand for a few minutes to set and loosen the edges with a butter knife. Turn it upside down onto a serving dish.

    Serve while still warm.
    This is what I make since I don't like pineapple.

    Cherry Upside-Down Cake

    * 2/3 cup sugar

    * 2 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

    * 1 can (2 1/2 cups) tart red cherries, drained

    * 1/3 cup butter

    * 1/2 cup sugar

    * 1 egg

    * 1/2 cup bran cereal

    * 1 teaspoon grated orange peel

    * 1 3/4 cup flour

    * 1/2 teaspoon salt

    * 2 teaspoons baking powder

    * 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

    * 1/2 cup orange juice

    * 1/4 cup milk

    In a saucepan, combine 2/3 cup sugar, cornstarch, and cherry syrup, cook until clear and thickened; add cherries then pour into a buttered 8-inch square pan.

    Cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar; add egg and beat well. Add bran and orange peel. Sift together the flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. Alternately add sifted dry ingredients and liquids. Pour batter into the pan over cherries. Bake at 375掳 for 35 to 45 minutes, or until a wooden pick or cake tester inserted in center comes out clean.

    Upside-down cakes have fruit on the bottom, then when the cake is done and you flip it upside-down, the fruit becomes the top.
    Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

    From Food Network Kitchens

    Recipe Summary

    Prep Time: 45 minutes

    Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Yield: about 12 servings

    User Rating:


    5 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for preparing the pan

    1/2 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar

    1 tablespoon dark rum

    3/4 small fresh pineapple, peeled


    1 1/2 cup cake flour

    1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1/4 teaspoon fine salt

    3/4 cup unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks), at room temperature

    1 1/4 cups sugar

    3 large eggs, at room temperature

    1/2 cup whole milk, at room temperature

    Place a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Cut out a circle of parchment or wax paper and place it in the bottom of a 9 x 2-inch round cake pan. Lightly butter the sides of the pan.

    To make the topping: Heat a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the butter and cook, stirring occasionally, until it's browned and has a nutty aroma, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and whisk in the brown sugar and rum. Pour the butter-sugar mixture into the cake pan. Using a rubber spatula, spread the mixture out so it to covers the bottom of the pan.

    Quarter the pineapple lengthwise, core, and slice it into about twenty 3/8-inch-thick slices. Arrange some of the pineapple slices in a slightly overlapping ring around the inside of the pan, leaving the center open. Place 3 of the slices in the center in a triangle pattern. Press the slices into the butter-sugar mixture.

    To make the cake: Using a sieve over a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Set aside.

    In a large bowl with a hand-held electric mixer, combine the butter and sugar and mix at a low speed until just incorporated. Raise the speed to high and mix until light and fluffy, about 10 minutes. (Occasionally turn the mixer off, and scrape the sides of the bowl down with a rubber spatula.)

    Add the eggs one at time, waiting for each one to be fully incorporated before adding the next.

    Reduce the speed of the mixer to low. Add the flour mixture in 3 additions alternating with the milk in 2 additions. Raise the speed to medium and mix briefly until a smooth batter is formed.

    Pour the batter onto the pineapple-lined pan. Bake the cake, rotating the pan once during cooking, until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center of the cakes comes out clean, about 1 1/2 hours. Remove the cake from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes.

    Run a knife around the edge of the pan to release the cake. Carefully invert the cake onto a serving plate and remove the parchment paper. Let cool completely before serving.

    ps: good party recipe is:

    Chocolate Fondue Three Ways

    Recipe Courtesy of Emeril Lagasse

    Recipe Summary

    Prep Time: 20 minutes

    Yield: 12 servings

    User Rating: No Rating

    3 pounds high quality chocolate, finely chopped

    2 1/4 cups heavy cream

    Splash of Creme de Mint

    Splash of Nocello

    Splash of Grand Marnier


    Pound cake, cut into bite-size pieces

    Shortbread cookies


    Coconut macaroons

    Large strawberries with stems


    Place 1 pound of chocolate in its own fondue pot. Turn the pot setting to medium or 5. In a saucepan, heat the cream. When the cream comes to a simmer, remove from the heat and pour 1/3 over each pot of chocolate. Whisk each pot until smooth. Splash a different liquor into each pot and whisk until smooth. Serve the fondues with the various garnishes.

    Why are people making such a fuss about Palin being a mother?

    As many of you know, I'm not by any means a supporter of McCain or Palin. However, I've noticed that a lot of people who are supposedly on the left act as though Palin should stay at home and take care of her children. There have been PLENTY of male politicians who still had children living at home. Why is it that no one ever asked why they didn't stay at home and help their wives raise the kids?Why are people making such a fuss about Palin being a mother?
    No my friend, you miss the point. The left isn't saying she should stay home, that are actually her ideas and views. The left is simply pointing out the right peddles ideas they can't even practice themselves and standards too high for even the most privileged layers of the population to live up to. Yet they want to force that lifestyle on everyone. That's what this is about.

    There is an overpowering element of hypocrisy in the whole affair. The Christian right seeks to impose fundamentalist precepts on the entire American population—by banning abortion, contraception, sex education, the teaching of evolution, stem cell research, etc. Yet they blithely defend Governor Palin on the grounds that Bristol’s pregnancy (as well as Todd Palin’s drunk-driving charge and similar incidents) are proof that the Palins are just regular folks. As McCain speechwriter Mark Salter declared, “These things happen. This has probably happened to millions of American families.”

    It is certainly true that every American family has its issues and problems, immensely exacerbated by the deepening social and economic crisis of the profit system. And that is precisely why tolerance, sensitivity and social support are required, rather than the punitive, moralizing and dehumanizing strictures of those who claim to derive all of the governing principles of society from a literalist interpretation of the Bible.

    Why are people making such a fuss about Palin being a mother?
    She's one of those women who can't say no to anything or anyone and is taking on to much. She's bound to fail by doing this. As a Mom who raised three kids I KNOW there are time your kids interfear with your job. She has a handicapped baby she's breastfeeding and what if she gets pregnant again? She needs to stay home and take care of her kids and her new baby or she'll end up with four teenage daughters pregnant! Having a family and a regular job is overwhelming and there is no way her family life won't interfear with her duties as vice president! What if McCain dies, she will be expected to be president? She's not qualified and will not have the time to be a GOOD Mother or President!
    There is a real difference here. Palin has a child that has Downs Syndrome. That is a ';special needs'; child. As a parent of a special needs child myself, I personally disagree with her choice of a public life in the White House. In fact , I have made career sacrifices for my son. And I would do the same all over again. It is not just about a mother working. It is about a child with special needs. If you have never had a child with ';speical needs';, there is no way you can relate to this. It is truly like night and day.
    I can't believe all this sexism mumbo - jumbo. This country has been so brain washed w/ sexism this, sexism that. They don't ask male politicians questions about their kids, because male politicians have WIVES. Wives who can stay home and raise the kids. Female politicians don't have wives -- they have husbands (duh, lol) and husbands generally don't' want to stay home and be ';house husbands'; they want to go out and work -- because their men! And if you think there's as many men out there as women who want to stay home with the kids, you're kidding yourself big time.

    Palin has a baby w/ downs. A teen daughter who's about to have a baby of her own. That's when you need to take a leave of absence from work - -NOT take on a job that requires you to be available 24/7! It's her choice -- I just think it's a poor choice.

    If your kids are grown -- that's totally different.... but a house full of teens, young kids and babies?? I'm sorry -- that's got to be your priority.
    Because like it or not we still live in a country where the majority feels that women should be sitting at home baking cakes. The same thought system that believes men should be the providers and the only ones with anything to contribute to politics.

    The reality is that women are more in touch with what this country needs. As one of those stay at home moms by choice, I knew that the right decision for me was to be at home with my children and grow a strong group of adults for the next generation. Other women, like Palin were meant for greater things and contribute more to society by going out and changing things.

    I'm not saying that Palin can't be a great mom and VP. I believe she can be. For me I needed to devote my full time to raising children. Not to mention my husband had the better income potential between the two of us. For Palin I feel that she may have the better income potential and also have a strong calling to change things in government.

    In a perfect world women would be able to make that decision without any backlash. But the reality is you're going to have the Good Ole Boy system that will never accept a women for anything other than fluff.



    My opinion is that so many feel that politics are strictly for the male population. That leaders are men, women are the ones to follow. Well, according to my calender, it's 2008, not 1908.

    As a mom,wife,grandmother, business owner, and volunteer in my community; I know that women are much better than men at multi-tasking.
    The issues here go much deeper than being a working mother. She has a special needs child and a daughter who is obviously not following Palin's stated position on abstinence-only. Republicans have also criticized feminists who push for career and family. People are using this opportunity to point out Republican hypocrisy on this issue.
    The Democratic party has finally, unequivocally exposed themselves as anti woman. It started with Hillary and now with Palin. They want sexy vaccuous men. No women need apply. It really is a contradiction. If they were really serious about the choice issue they would want as many women as possible, of both parties, in positions of power to change the law.






    Wheneveer you hear Democrats complaining about Republican morals it's almost always a problem of Republican hypocrisy. No one wants to put up with the likes of Republicans telling them how to live their lives while the Republicans themselves can't live that way. Thats why Palin's child rearing has came under fire. Because she and the McCain campaign are being hypocrites.
    I'm a supporter of Obama and I completely agree with you. It seems like some dems are forgetting the important issues and mud slinging just for the sake of mud slinging. That's a conservative game and I think that left leaner's should have more class than that.
    Because she is not doing a very good job of it.

    I know those type of people, they like to have a lot of kids, but they don't spend any time with them.

    You can't just pop them out and hope they find their way.
    The democratic party, including Obama has always been full of double standards. Whatever suits them and their agenda at the time. You don't hear anyone questioning Obama's ability to be a father if he is elected, do you? His kids are still young.
    I am not one of them. As a woman and mother she can do whatever she wants. I have a list of other reasons she isn't fit to hold the office of VP.

    Most Democrats are single mothers? That is incredibly ignorant.
    Actually, after thinking about it - not having a fundie christian mother around spouting 'abstinence only' all the time might actually improve the chances of her other kids...
    Because they aren't feminists.

    (The people critical of mothers... not the mothers themselves. Working mothers are the ultimate feminists.)
    Because people probably think she can't handle it all.
    Double Standard. It's not a shock to me.
    i don't sounds really hypocritical to me...Pelosi has five children and has been in DC over 20 years...
    This would probably need to be another poll in itself. But mainly when mothers are so self involved with their choice career they end up with the pregnant Teen daughters. I don't believe the Fuss is about her being a mother it's about her making a career decision that will make her a Mommy in the terms of gave birth to the children but have no time for them. Yes it is the Year 2008, but due to the fact that she does have young children and as we can see her teenage daughter felt the need for attention in a young mans Bed or perhaps her Mother's bed since both parents seem to have a very active life outside of the home. When the man leaves the house to take on his duties as Husband, Father, President , VP etc they are being the provider that God intended for them to be. Time after time the speeches end with God Bless America, yet everyone see fit for the nation to be lead outside of GOD's intent. There are plenty of ways to be a Helpmate in the White House without taking on the 24/7 responsibility. The rate she is going with the Teen daughter that they need to plan a shot gun weeding for, both her and her husband need to focus on their immediate family first.
    Because veteran and young moms alike know what being a devoted mother means to them. It's apparent that more mothers really do take parenting more serious than was thought. It is also apparent that more mothers take parenting more serious than Sarah Palin. The bottom line for me as a veteran mother of three, ages 5m, 13m, 17f I trust my judgement when making life altering choices regarding my children more than anyone else, including my husband. I am college educated my husband is a teacher so one could argue (and he does:) that his judgment is better than mine. I feel so passionately about investing the time necessary to ensure my children the VERY BEST chance that I can. My motto is: If I fail with my children then I fail in life. Getting pregnant at seventeen is certainly not an equation for failure, but I would argue that it certainly isn't something I would be proud of. There is a difference between men and women...I for one am glad and I'll stand up to any feminist who says that men and women function the same and that their differences have no merit in decision making. Bring it on. Stay at home mothers are the strongest women in America. Women in the workplace could all go away and this world would continue to turn and life would continue to progress. What would happen if you take all the mothers out of the home. Both men and women can agree that SOMEONE should be at home to monitor and parent the children. In my home, my husband and I both decided that the person would be me because nobody can attend to my children better than me. If I don't raise and teach my children someone else will. Bristol Palin proved that.

    Obama 08*
    Because working moms usually aren't on welfare. And when people aren't on welfare, libs aren't happy.
    most of the dem's are single mothers