Friday, January 8, 2010

Which locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?

I need to get some new keys made. Is there a locksmith service in Fremont that has a good price on key making?Which locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?
I recommend using Available Locksmith. They are a reputable locksmith service with very competitive rates on key making you can call them on (510) 263-3234 or you can visit their website at locksmith services in Fremont performs key making at an affordable price?
Most hardware stores and Home Centers make keys. Less than $1.50 each. Even Walmart has this service.
Try home depot? They are cheap and good!
  • toner refill
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  • What is the easiest way on to making a colored or clear crystal?

    Sugar works well (rock candy), also Epsom's salt. If you can get some, copper sulfate makes really large blue crystals.What is the easiest way on to making a colored or clear crystal?

    Difficulty: Easy

    Time Required: Days to Weeks

    Here's How:

    1.Pour 1/2 cup of hot tap water into a clean jar.

    2.Slowly stir in alum, a little at a time, until it stops dissolving. Don't add the whole amount - just enough to saturate the water.

    3.Loosely cover the jar with a coffee filter or paper towel (to keep dust out) and allow the jar to sit undisturbed overnight.

    4.The next day, pour the alum solution from the first jar into the clean jar. You will see small alum crystals at the bottom of the jar. These are 'seed' crystals that you will use to grow a big crystal.

    5.Tie nylon fishing line around the largest, best-shaped crystal. Tie the other end to a flat object (e.g., popsicle stick, ruler, pencil, butter knife). You will hang the seed crystal by this flat object into the jar far enough so that it will be covered in liquid, but won't touch the bottom or sides of the jar. It may take a few tries to get the length just right.

    6.When you have the right string length, hang the seed crystal in the jar with the alum solution. Cover it with the coffee filter and grow a crystal!

    7.Grow your crystal until you are satisfied with it. If you see crystals starting to grow on the sides or bottom of your jar, carefully remove your crystal, pour the liquid into the clean jar, and put the crystal in the new jar. Other crystals in the jar will compete with your crystal for alum, so it won't be able to get as big if you let these crystals grow.


    1.You can use sewing thread or other string instead of nylon fishing line, but crystals will grow on the entire length of the submerged string. Crystals don't adhere to nylon, so if you use it, you can get bigger, better crystals.

    2.Alum is an ingredient used to make pickles. It makes them crispy.

    What You Need:

    鈥?/2 c hot tap water

    鈥?-1/2 T alum

    鈥ylon fishing line

    鈥encil, ruler, or knife

    鈥? clean jars


    鈥offee filter/paper towel

    What does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive?

    Of course, one must be modest...but what do the Quran and Hadiths say about trying to look beautiful.What does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive?
    Modesty is a virtue which Islam demands of Muslim men and women. The most powerful verses commanding the believers to be modest occur in Surah al-Nur and begin with the words:

    ';Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well aware of what they do.';

    [Noble Quran 24:31]

    The rule of modesty is equally applicable to men and women. A brazen stare by a man at a woman or another man is a breach of correct behavior. The rule is meant not only to guard women, but is also meant to guard the spiritual good of men. Looking at the sexual anarchy that prevails in many parts of the world, and which Islam came to check, the need for modesty both in men and women is abundantly clear. However it is on account of the difference between men and women in nature, temperament, and social life, that a greater amount of veiling is required for women than for men, especially in the matter of dress. A complete code of modesty is laid down in the Quran as follows:

    ';And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty save to their husbands, or their fathers or their husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical desire, or small children who have no sense of sex; and that they should not stamp their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O believers! Turn all together towards Allah, that you may attain bliss.';

    [Noble Quran 24:31]

    A key term in the above verse is Zinat. It means both natural beauty and artificial ornaments. The word as used in the above verse seems to include both meanings. Women are asked not to make a display of their figures, not to wear tight clothing that reveals their shapeliness, nor to appear in such dress except to:

    their husbands,

    their relatives living in the same house with whom a certain amount of informality is permissible,

    their women, that is, in the strict sense, their maid-servants who are constantly in attendance on them, but in a more liberal sense, all believing women,

    old or infirm men-servants, and

    infants or small children who have not yet got a sense of sexWhat does Islam say about beauty and making yourself attractive? it for yourself and your mahram (aka: immediate family + those of the same sex)...not for or in front of others!

    ';What is the meaning of the hadeeth which says that Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty?';

    ';Is hijab obligatory for beautiful women only or for all women?';

    last three paragraphs refer to beauty:

    ...modesty is the distinct characteristic attributed to identify Islam...and making oneself attractive is the opposite of being modest..ya?...

    so keep yourself clean and neat, but don't over do it to the point of purposefully attracting attention

    Allahu Alim
    I'm looking for the hadith;

    I read it; it was something like; ';what do you say of the one who wears beautiful garments'; and the answer was somthing like ';Allah is beautiful and loves beauty';.... something then saying but you shouldn't think your better then those who don't

    I'll find the direct quote inshallah
    Allah made you beautiful, but you should probably shower, properly groom, brush your hair, keep your teeth healthy, and wear clean clothes.
    You should not look beautiful to attract the attention of the opposite gender, however Islam teaches to be clean and dress appropriately.
    It is encouraged if done for husband. It is even encouraged to make you look sexy if done for husband.
    You should not care because our flesh is just temporary!!! So don't worry about looks ! Think ,more about how ur soul looks and the only way to make thatlook better is be rightous

    May peace be upon you.
    Al-Mussawar...we should mimick...good job

    I was doing wash and it started making noises and smelled a burning. Is it the belt or the motor?

    It smells like something is burning and a there is screeching sound with it. If it is just the belt, how do I fix it?I was doing wash and it started making noises and smelled a burning. Is it the belt or the motor?
    Sounds like a belt, but it's only 1/2 of the problem. Picture an electric motor with a belt pulley on it (drive pulley). It spins the belt, which in turn spins another pulley (driven pulley). If the driven pulley abruptly stops (seizes), the motor will still spin the belt across it causing the screeching noise, and burning smell. The belt may need replacing, but your main problem is the seized pulley. Get a qualified repair tech out there. They are well worth the price given that it will cause you endless frustration.

    What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?

    People would take marriage more seriously.What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?
    Well, it would make marriage a much more risky proposition and might prevent some people from getting married in the first place. It would keep people legally and financially tied to people they want nothing to do with for decades - you can live apart, but there are still a lot of consequences to being married.

    What may be worst, it would eliminate most remarriages. A lot of people I know have had unfortunate marriages only to eventually get it right on the second or even third try. But without divorce that would have been closed off to them.What would be the negative consequences of making divorce illegal?
    Smart people wouldn't get married, and spousal murder would skyrocket!

    I am totally against the ownership of human beings by other human beings. It is a clear violation of the 13th Amendment.

    People who want to be nailed together can get a religious ceremony.
    Lots of Killings man , lots of Killings.

    Look at the country's that do not have divorce -- they Kill the wife.
    Wow if divorce was illegal it would have sucked for Britney Spears! LOL

    But yeah people wouldgo crazy and kill their spouses. If it was made illegal i would hope that people would take marriage more seriously.
    Spousal homicides would greatly increase.

    Without a legal means of separating all the items in a marriage, splitting up would not be as easy as you make it seem.
    How about making it harder to get a divorce? ';Irreconcilable differences'; is such a cop out.
    I get it, the whole gay marriage thing is now being grouped in with divorce. It took the gay marriage lobby this long to come up with this? I'd get new PR flacks.
    Marriage would become nonexistent !

    Oh ! Wait ! you said negative.....Hmmmmmmmm
    Domestic violence and murder would probably go up.
    More government intrusion into our personal lives...
    There would be a heck of a lot more spouse murder
    Umm.. a lot of people going crazy in marriages they want out of?
    jesus would be pissed off

    How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?

    When a recipie calls for a sauce made from the meat juices left in the frying pan, the meat is often transferred to a plate to be 'kept warm'. There are a few recipies with sauces that need at least 15 minutes for the broth to reduce down, during which my steaks or lamb chops will cool down no matter how much foil I wrap around it or keep it under a hot light. Is there a way to keep the meat hot enough so that it tastes like it came hot off the grill? Or are those recipies assuming the meat is suppose to be a little bit cooled when served?How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?
    It is a good idea to cover the meat in foil, preheat the platter so it doesn't cool the meat, and place the platter of meat in the oven on a low temperature to help reduce any heat loss.How to keep meat hot/warm while making a sauce from the juices in the pan?
    Do you have a oven ? or a hot box
    when sauce is finished just put meat under the grill or back in a hot pan for a minute to reheat it again

    i am a pro chef thats what we do
    This may sound crazy, but Alton Brown of Good Eats on the Food Network always uses a heating pad. Just put the foil covered plate of meat on top of a heating pad on medium or high.

    What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?

    i do have any an idea, and want to introduce it and make a profit out of it. what is the processes for that?What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?
    First, you patent your invention (which will probably cost you a few thousand dollars in patent attorney fees). Then, you can either license it to people who want to commercialize it or commercialize it on your own. The vast majority of patented inventions, however, have never been commercialized; the inventors either didn't have an interest or lacked capital and failed to convince financial backers in their inventions' commercial viability...What is the process so i can start making money of my invention?
    An elaborate and complete answer to your question is impossible without some knowledge of what the idea is about. But first things first - patent it.
    Be very careful with this. Do not go for one of those companies you see on tv, they are a scam. Do a ton of research as I've heard the process is very hard.
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  • What is the best cell phone for making calls from the US to Mexico?

    My husband calls Mexico a lot and we want a good cell phone that gets good reception but that also will not charge an arm and a leg for calls to Mexico. Any help is appreciated!!What is the best cell phone for making calls from the US to Mexico?
    i suggest any nokia are good but if you want a fancy phone go to v3 from motorolaWhat is the best cell phone for making calls from the US to Mexico?
    Most cell phones that get good reception in foreign countries use a fourth band of frequencies called QUAD-BAND. Most cell phones that use quad band usually cost from anywhere from 20 to alot of dollars with a service plan. Alot of cell phone companies can also sell you a long distance calling plan. Where you get unlimited calls to selected countries for a set price each month. This is the CHEAPEST way to use a cell phone in other countries without using a landline or a satelite phone

    How to turn on my girlfriend while making out?

    Were both 15, i wanna do my best to please her while making out, what are some things that i can do to do so?How to turn on my girlfriend while making out?
    Kiss/nibble on neck

    Suck ear lobe and also...lick inside the ear and around it

    Some like it when you put hand on the face or grab onto there back or play with hair

    One thing that gets me is when I get my lips licked like tongue gently around my lips really slowHow to turn on my girlfriend while making out?
    You're 15, she's 15, phuck up as bad as you want, she won't know whats good at her age...unless she's the typical American high school ho.
    push her up against the wall
    Both of you are too young,have you get your parents' permission?
    Kiss her neck, nibble her ears gently, bite her neck gently.

    Some girls like to have their nipples ';tweaked';.

    Gently grab a handful of hair at the base of her neck - it's a very sensitive area and this sort of move can be very nice!
    do you have your license and your mom's chevy station wagon car keys?
    All girls have a red and a green button on the small of their back. Press the green one. Be sure not to touch the red one or she will explode. The two buttons are very close together so be careful
    grab her from the back of her hair, and push your lips towards her lips fast and hard. and pull her shirt off violently and fast. she'll be going crazy and will start touching your body like if she's trying to push you off, but she's doing it on purpose cuz she likes it so much and doesn't know how to react

    How to show someone you still love them without making it obvious?

    Ok I still love my ex-girlfriend and she seems to be wanting for us to try again (without saying it). I need more time to build trust with her and become close friends again before I can go down that road. However I still love her and would like to show her that I still care for her deeply without saying it or making it to obvious.How to show someone you still love them without making it obvious?
    pardon me dummy you want to make it obvious.

    How do I turn my room into a video making studio?

    I like to make videos. It's my life! And I've got a little extra money now. I'm only 12 I've earned it from babysitting. And let's say I have a budget of like $90.00+. Where should I go to find great funky furniture for a video studio? One with creativity, style and lots and lots of color. Where should I go?How do I turn my room into a video making studio?
    Goodwill, Salvation Army, and other Thrift sotres usually have all sorts of obnoxious wool couches and bizarre other things. That'd probably be your best bet.

    Would making a global currency help the economy?

    As you know there is a drop in the Global economy.

    Would making a global currency help even a bit?

    Do you think the nations would consider it?

    Why or Why not?Would making a global currency help the economy?
    No No No,

    worst idea every. we do not need to take on one massive problem.

    Would making a global currency help the economy?
    ofcourse some nations would love it! but others wont like it! becuz by making global currency, only the developing countries like china and india are likely to benefit from it. why?? becoz they can produce the products at the cheapest prices on earth. and, if all currencies were equal, then i dont think any countries will be able to sell cheaper then these 2 countires. so, if all currencies were equal, the level of competition and productivity and things will damage!

    so, in my opinion, i dont think global currency is a gud idea.

    hope this helps xD

    What other vegetables can I add to cauliflower when making cauliflower cheese soup?

    Thank youWhat other vegetables can I add to cauliflower when making cauliflower cheese soup?
    What about onion, carrots and celery - see the recipe on the link below. Buon appetite!What other vegetables can I add to cauliflower when making cauliflower cheese soup?
    carrot, onion or celery would go well with the soup
    Broccolli, onions, celery...
    brocolli, carrots, maybe a few green beans. Then add in some chopped spring onions before you eat. yum.
    diced, sauteed yellow onion and carrott
    add color carrots pimientos green sweet peppers

    chives on each bowl with a sprinkle of paprika
    leeks or potatoes works well
    I use finely chopped onions, celery %26amp; parsley (sometimes coriander). Do not add any vegetables with strong colour as the soup is supposed to creamy %26amp; pale. When I have finished cooking I use the immerser blender in the soup. I top with a few florettes of the cauliflower (removed before blending) %26amp; a little finely chopped parsley.
    Peppers And Onions Are Always Great To Add!
    I found the best compilment cauliflower soup was carrot and onion,....cheers
    Broccoli accompanies cauliflower, it's lovely i had cauliflower and broccoli cheese yesterday for dinner, the soup sounds lovely.
    Beans,potatoes, brocolli, garden peas, onions, peppers,ginger , cheese and water.
    there is non because if you add a vegetable it will spoil the taste
    Cauliflower was made to go with broccoli.
    Hi there - Happy New to you xx hope its a good one!! xx I would add some onion and broccoli to the cauliflower soup xxx
    Go for a curry taste which is excellent! Add 2 tsp to about a 6 servings pot of soup (more or less to taste). Some good complimenting veggies would be onion, celery, potatoes, peas, and some fresh or dried dill. Yum!
    potatoes, brocolli, garden peas, onions, peppers
    i would broccoli is a very good vegetable to go with coliflower cheese soup, my dad has made this before with broccoli and it is very nice
  • toner refill
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  • What are the first two numbers you dial before making an international call through Mobile Phone?

    I am trying to make a call to holland.What are the first two numbers you dial before making an international call through Mobile Phone?
    first you dial 1 to get an out side line then 011 then 48 for the operator in Poland and then that persons area code and their phone number and wait to be connected that easyWhat are the first two numbers you dial before making an international call through Mobile Phone?
    011 (if you are calling from USA)

    For more information on how to dial Holland go to this website. IT'S the ABSOLUTE best!

    What can i use to replace bisquick mix in making quiche??

    i am trying to make a quiche but the place i lived in does not have Bisquick mix..? i heard from a friend that i can use other ingredients to replace it, but i don't know how..?? please advise.. thanks.What can i use to replace bisquick mix in making quiche??
    Bisquick'; Substitute I (P, TNT)

    Source: Unknown

    Yield: 1 cup

    1 cup flour

    1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon shortening

    Combine all ingredients and use as a substitution for Bisquick (Baking Mix).What can i use to replace bisquick mix in making quiche??
    I like a pie crust for my quiche and the one below is a nice change...


    3/4 lb. coarsely chopped fresh mushrooms

    3 T. butter or margarine

    1/2 cup finely crushed saltine crackers

    3/4 cup sliced green onions

    2 T. butter or margarine, melted

    2 cups (8 ox.) shredded Monterey Jack cheese

    1 cup small-curd cottage cheese

    3 eggs, slightly beaten

    1/4 tsp. pepper

    1/4 tsp. paprika

    Saute mushrooms in 3 T. melted butter in a large skillet over medium heat until tender. Add cracker crumbs; stir well. Press mixture evenly on bottom and up

    the sides of a 9-inch pie plate. Saute onions in 2 T. melted butter in skillet 1 minute; sprinkle over mushroom crust. Sprinkle shredded cheese over onions; set


    Combine cottage cheese, eggs, and pepper, stirring well. Pour cottage cheese mixture over shredded cheese. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake uncovered at 350

    degrees for 30-35 minutes or until set and lightly browned. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Yield: one 9-inch quiche.
    Bisquick is a commercial blend of four, baking powder and a form of shortening that allows you to just add water to make baked goods.

    You can use flour, butter or lard and water to make a pie crust. You would not need to have baking powder or soda and it will make a good crust for quiche. Look in your favorite cookbook for the exact measurements.
    any basic pie crust receipe will work..

    check for various ways to make quiche
    I recently went to a baby shower where a person made sausage balls. She asked someone how they tasted and several of us echoed ';Great!'; and she explained she was glad because she realized at the last minute she was out of Bisquick and used pancake mix instead! (Aunt J. complete type)
    nother bisquik

    What is the job of a producer during the making of a movie? And what is the job of an Executive Producer?

    Please post sources if you have them.What is the job of a producer during the making of a movie? And what is the job of an Executive Producer?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Woodpecker making hole in side of house, what do I do?

    I've got a woodpecker trying to make a hole in the side of my house, how do I get rid of him. I don't want to hurt him, is there anything that I put on the wood to keep him away?Woodpecker making hole in side of house, what do I do?
    Agh! I had one, too. Did a lot of damage and there were no signs of bugs under the wood we replaced. Unfortunately, woodpeckers are difficult to control and often require a multi-level approach.

    Here's an article that might help. Please note: many woodpecker species are protected. Even if you inadvertently harm one, you could get slapped with a hefty fine!鈥?/a>

    Another really good source for help would be your local nursery; they should carry items to help scare them off.

    Last step? Call your local pest control company. They know better than to harm them, but may also have other strategies. Better to pay the pest control people than to have to replace siding. Trust me on this!

    Good luck!Woodpecker making hole in side of house, what do I do?
    He has either chosen your house as his ';sounding board'; a territorial - mating thing they do to declare themselves - no solution - or has found *erk* bugs in your wood. Thank him for that. Might think about a termite check.

    How is Obama's 3% tax increase on households making $250k+ going to cover most of his spending plans?

    A 3% increase on households making over $250k while lowering taxes for the rest of us doesn't sound feasible. I can MAYBE see the 3% covering the tax cuts for everyone else but I doubt it would come anywhere close to covering the rest of his spending. Thoughts?How is Obama's 3% tax increase on households making $250k+ going to cover most of his spending plans?
    Neither candidate will be able to put all their plans in order right away. Don't be naive and think even John McCain will magically be able to fund all his programs either.

    Obama plans to look at the programs and those that don't work will go. McCain has said the same thing.

    It's more so a 'wait and see' kind of thing. Neither can say at this point what will go and what won't go. They're not in the chair yet to actually see what is what yet.

    As far as the 3%, those taking home $250,000 or more will be fine. If they TAKE HOME $250,000 they won't go broke going from 36% to 39%.

    Now tax someone making just $25,000 they'll feel that crunch indeed. Trust me Bill Gates and Oprah won't go broke by paying the extra 3%...Neither will most people taking home $250,000. How is Obama's 3% tax increase on households making $250k+ going to cover most of his spending plans?
    Are you all really that ignorant? Obama has many other things he has said he'll do. A few are: Make Iraq cover the expenses of this stupid war since they are rolling in the dough. He is going to go over the budget with a ';scapel'; and eliminate all the things that are wasteful.

    Cut Pork Barrel Spending: Obama and Biden will slash earmarks to no greater than year 1994 levels and ensure all spending decisions are open to the public.

    Obama plans to instate PAYGO budgeting rules, which require every increase in spending to be offset by a spending reduction or an increase in revenue. He plans to boost federal revenues by repealing the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and by reducing “government waste”.

    Besides those...there will be a real ';tickle up effect'; of helping out the middle class that has been bled dry under Bush's and McCains methods. If you give more to the middle class they will be able to support business the way business is supposed to be selling goods!

    Besides...all this is really is a return to the economics of Clinton. And as I recall...things were pretty darn GREAT back then. I could afford to go out to eat once in awhile.
    It won't.

    ANd it isn't just a 3% increase, as the Democrats have already decided to let the Bush tax cuts expire (which, btw , mean ALL households will have an increase).

    Here is how it will work. He raises taxes on the selected group, they raise their prices, thus, more taxes will be paid on everything.

    There is no free lunch, so all the new taxes will flow right down to our checkbooks.

    No company is going to eat the tax increase and not pass on the costs, none.

    Tax the rich has never worked, ever. The ';rich'; will either raise their prices, or decide to downscale to keep from having to pay more taxes.

    Plus, and here is something no one is talking about, our economy is in the tank and many small businesses are barely hanging on. No profit, no big salaries, no taxes.

    We need to SHRINK our government, not grow them and give them more money %26amp; power.

    Washington and many states are so wasteful that they are sucking our children's futures right down the Chinese made drain.
    Actually, his numbers are pretty solid on this. He didn't choose the $250,000 mark arbitrarily. It happens that the past 28 years of Reaganomics have created an imbalance of wealth which rivals that of Mexico in the 1980s. He's a smart lawyer, and he's going after the ';deep pockets';. No more, and no less.
    It wont. That is why economists are saying Obama will increase the budget deficit if he doesn't raise taxes on the middle class. His spending plans are too expensive. He is promising everything to everyone just to ';buy votes'; with taxpayers dollar. Smells like bribery.
    The 3% increase generates the revenue to make the cuts for everybody else budget neutral.

    Ending the Iraq war generates 500 billion a year or so in savings.

    I see you don't seem worried about the red ink we've been hemorrhaging for more than 6 years already.
    It won't cover everything. That is why the taxes on everything from Death tax to corporate taxes are going to go back up. All the new taxes will just be passed on to the people through a rise in the cost of everything we buy, sell or use.
    he has stated that he also wants to cut down on wasteful spending. doing things like ending programs that aren't working and fixing tax loop holes.

    and I think a big part of his plan is still trying to end the war in Iraq (which is costing a lot of money)
    Where do you get 3%? Based on what his website and spokespeople have said, it is less than 3% up to 603,000. At 603,000 per year, it goes up to 8.2%. At 1 million, it goes up to 11.2%.
    I'm confused. I thought this 3% increase was going to devastate small business--at least that's what the McCainiacs are arguing.

    So which is it? A huge increase, or a drop in the bucket?
    His healthcare reform will never happen.

    He will propose it - Republicans will block it. End of story!

    And then we can get back to reality and do something about the deficit.
    When you lower middle class taxes, it provides more income for them to spend in businesses.
    Here's an idea, END THE WAR and you have an extra $10 BILLION A MONTH to rebuild this country.
    Didn't you know? Obama has a money tree in his back yard that spits out$100.00 bills

    Is making kids walking to school wear a hiviz vest a good idea ?

    In some parts of France, all secondary and high school kids are made to compulsory wear high visibility vests when walking to school and/or to the school bus stop.

    Do you feel it is a good idea ? Should it been made mandatory everywhere ?Is making kids walking to school wear a hiviz vest a good idea ?
    Your children would most definitely be the subject of many jokes. So unless you want your kids to hate going to school because of the constant torment, then i wouldn't send them along with hiviz vests.
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  • How much does a privat detective start out at making?

    ok for school we have to pick a carear we think we may enjoy and i chose a privat detective.I need to know how much money they start at. iv found a lot of averages but i need to know how much they make when first starting the job.How much does a privat detective start out at making?
    Private detectives work for themselves. It depends on how many clients they have.

    They start at ZERO until they can find someone willing to pay them to detect things.How much does a privat detective start out at making?
    private is private

    you set your own rate
    Private*********************************鈥?There is an ';E'; in the word.

    When making mashed potatoes should i use condensed milk or whole milk?

    i dont have heavy cream, so wich will make the mashed potatoes cremier?

    caned condensed milk or whole gallon milk?When making mashed potatoes should i use condensed milk or whole milk?
    Please don't use condensed milk because it will be yuck sweet! If you meant canned mike that wold be wonderful because it will be rich. Add some butter too. Wonderful though.

    cozyWhen making mashed potatoes should i use condensed milk or whole milk?
    If you prefer a sweet version of mashed potatoes, then you should use condensed milk. Otherwise, just stick to evaporated milk or fresh milk to make your mashed potatoes. Condensed milk is usually used either to sweeten hot beverages like coffee / tea or to make sweet desserts.
    caned milk thats what we use good luck...
    you can use either, condensed milk will be creamier. Only stir in a bit at a time, you can always add can't take out

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Condensed milk is NOT usually sweetened condensed milk. It 2 different things. Something else to try is PIMS. We have that alot. Its potatoes with a brick of cream cheese and scallions. AWESOME!
    Whole milk will be better, if you used condensed milk it will sweeten and change the flavour of the potatoes.

    By the way, when making mashed potatoes, if you like your potatoes fluffy and light use a bit of milk, butter and about a half teaspoon of baking powder (NOT baking soda!).., mash the cooked potatoes with a masher, add the milk, butter, and baking powder. Then use two inverted forks (handles and tines facing each other) and then WHIP the dickens out of your mashed potatoes.

    You will love these with gravy or just serve it to the table with butter, salt, pepper and a touch of paprika with parsley for colour.
    I'd go with the whole milk and butter, b/c when I've seen condensed milk is usually ';sweetened'; condensed milk which would not be good for mashed potatoes. Just boil the potatoes and strain. Heat up milk and butter in pan, and add potatoes, mash and season with S%26amp;P.

    What do you use in place of meatballs when making spaghetti?

    If you are going totally meatless then I would saute some veggies like zuccini, carrots, black olives and pretty much any other veggie you like. It's more of a primivera but it works just as good.What do you use in place of meatballs when making spaghetti?
    bean balls. that sounds really gross, doesn't it? It's not. take the white beans of your choice, mash them with some cooked vegetables (whatever you like in your spaghetti sauce), mix with bread crumbs, spices and eggs (or potato starch + water if you're vegan), shape into balls and saute as you would meat balls...or you could bake them. You could also use tofu in place of the beans, but I find that beans have more flavor, better texture and hold up a little better (meaning more cohesive) in a recipe like this. Sorry I don't have proportions for you, but I bet you can just feel it out. Another option is that yummy baked tofu that you can just cube and add to sauce.What do you use in place of meatballs when making spaghetti?
    Try these:

    1.Grilled or pan fried Haloumi cheese

    2.Homemade falafel balls(make a little smaller than usual)

    3.Red kidney beans.

    4.Mini Potato patties.fried or baked first.

    5.fry cubes of eggplant in olive oil

    6.Saute baby button mushrooms in butter,salt,pepper.

    Prepare and set these on top of spaghetti just before serving.

    Remember to sprinkle with chopped cilantro or parsley- YUM!

    Another favourite of ours is some baked beans added to the tomato sauce along with garlic and chopped chili.

    Then stir fry some onions and green capsicum and serve with.

    You can make a great sauce without meatballs. Use more sweet peppers, onions, and garlic as your base. I would also add mushrooms to make it more hearty. I always put about a half cup of parmesan cheese for flavor and of course all your Italian seasoning. This makes a great sauce.
    Eggplant,peel and chunk into usable size,soak in salty water a couple of hours to remove bitterness,drain and rinse.Parboil in fresh water until tender.Add to sauce and simmer until you can't stand it any more!Great with penne pasta,ziti or regular noodles.
    I sometimes use Gimme Lean to make ';meat'; balls with.

    Just be careful that you get the regular Gimme Lean. I wasn't looking one day and accidentally grabbed the ';sausage'; Gimme Lean. My scuggs (spaghetti) was AWFUL! SO salty!!
    The list is endless, carbonara, tomato sauce, bolognaise sauce, steamed vegetables, chicken etc...spaghetti wasn't invented just for meatballs!.
    Try mussels or even tuna fish. I'm not use it's an equal substitute for a meatball but it sure is tasty.

    If you want a meatball then just use the Morning Star crumbles and a regular meatball recipe.
    If you are wanting vegitarian I would use veggie burgers. Cut them upo in peices and fry them. Thrwo them in. It is tasty.
    We are not vegetarian, but we rarely have meatballs with our spaghetti! Why not just have a lovely marinara sauce and not worry about a meat substitute?
    Nate's meatless meatballs (they are vegan!)鈥?/a>
    i use morningstar farms meal looks and tastes just like ground beef!!! really yummy when added to spaghetti sauce. yum =)
    Yes they make veggie meatballs. I get them at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. I'm not sure where you live but they may ship to you.
    I think they have vegetarian meatballs? If not, just cut up veggie meat into bally forms! Wa-la! A fake meat-ball! Lol. THats what I do.
    I don't use meatballs... Pile heaps of cheese on and no one will notice :P
    Kidney Beans? Lentils? Or that substitute meat product.
    Turkey! Or tofu.
    Mushrooms and eggplant. (diced)
    I'm Itallian. My grandmother cooked every piece of meat in sauce! She'd put steaks, chicken (yuk) and even roast in that sauce.

    I prefer mild or sweet Italian sausage if no meatballs.
    grilled chicken, pork chops, sausage, anything
    Italian Sausage, or ground turkey, if your a vegetarian then you would try tofu
    chicken apple sausage

    shreaded chicken breast

    some sort of chunky vegatable
    chicken, or tortolinis, or shrimp
    I just use ground hamburger, and have even used ground turkey. I hate meatballs :/.
    cut-up smoked sausage

    browned ground beef
    VIENNA SAUSAGE OR BRATWURST (any kind of Bratwurst).
    Chicken? Like Chicken Parm. :)
    ground hamburger.
    grilled chicken
    hamburger, ground beef.
    sausage, ground turkey

    When making a stump garden, how far do you bury the stumps? How do I keep the stumps from rotting?

    Never heard of a stump garden. That's a new one for me after nearly 20 years of gardening. However, the wood from the stumps will eventually rot, no way to stop the natural flow of nature.When making a stump garden, how far do you bury the stumps? How do I keep the stumps from rotting?
    We never buried the stump any further than we needed to have enough soil to support whatever plant we were going to put overtop.

    Also, you can't stop the stump from rotting and you don't really need to since the rotting will be very slow (like maybe fractions of an inch per year) since it is underground. You aren't going to wake up one day with a collapsed garden.

    Where is a good place to find directions for making a homemade fossil or headstone?

    Online..Where is a good place to find directions for making a homemade fossil or headstone?
    plaster of parisWhere is a good place to find directions for making a homemade fossil or headstone?
    go to a professional a museum because some of the fossil have to be made of fake thick like plastic because of cracks holes and crush parts. so they will be able to tell you further information.

    When making food for many people?

    is it best to cook many dishes, or a couple basic dishes?When making food for many people?
    make many dishes, some simple, some nice, but do not put them all out at once, allow for a selection, but not a buffetWhen making food for many people?
    I go outside the realm of ';basic dishes'; that way there is no comparison to anyone else's dishes, if it tastes good and you'll know it, somebody can't say they don't like it because they haven't had it before, or just the way You prepared it. Make a few different small dishes and let them decide, you know what's hot and what's not
    If it's for people you're familiar with foods they like, try to base your menu by that information, but I still wouldn't get to crazy on the different types of food you'll burn yourself out before your guests get there.
    I would cook a few simple but tasty dishes.
    a couple basic dishes. try a hearty stew, served with warm bread. a simple desert of iced brownies will be perfect after!!
    just stick to basic dishes if it the occasion is not formal
    Many basic dishes.

    This way you can cater to those that eat anything and those that like to stick with what they usually eat.
    You need to understand who your cooking for and cook for your audience it might be harder to cook many different dishes rather than to cook a few well put together dishes. Good luck
    i make several dishes. that way everyone gets something they like.
    when we have people we usually cook two or three different dishes, depending on what the guest would like that way they can have a little of everything, also we make several desserts.
    This is a great site, it has quantity recipes and lots of articles on party planning and cooking for a crowd.鈥?/a>
    To cook ';good food'; and in ';bulk';, stick to one main dish that will fill the tummies....Seafood or Chicken Fettuccini (depending on your income)

    Add a tasty cheese/garlic bread and a Spring Mix, Balsamic salad...

    A ';big crowd'; pleaser!
    IT really depends on how many people you are cooking for if you want to go simple i would do a big bowl of potato salad, couple of cans of baked beans, corn of the cob and BBQ a several packages of ribs of the grill along with some sausage and get a couple loafs of french or Cuban bread this is one of my great meals for my family , which is around 20 people. GOOD LUCK
    many dishes. i cook for a lot of people all the time. you can get a lot out of a little. canned vegi and soup mixed can do a lot. make rice/broc/cali/cheese casserole

    creamed spinach (heavy cream/fresh spin/butter)

    green bean casserole

    roasted vegi (swt pot/rutabega/onion/pot/carrot./celery/ro鈥?br>

    cheese plate

    noodle dish

    pasta bake

    smoked fish




    bread w/butter

    fruit plate


    trifle for desert (choc cake/cool whip/choc pudd/heath bar chunks)


    beef roast

    pork roast

    sliced deli meats

    relish tray

    taco dip

    garden veg dip w/bagel chunks

    muffin bites





    **each guest has different tastes, so try to appeal to all.**

    make a pot pie with your leftovers
    a couple basic dishes , quick and easy .

    So, you don't need rush and look messy to prepare all the food.
    When feeding a crowd, I make about 3 basic dishes, and then have a varied assortment of salads, sliced meats, side dishes, breads etc, so everyone has a good selection of food to pick from. That way I can accomodate the picky eaters, food allergies, different tastes etc, and everyone gets a hearty meal.
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  • Why is there added vitamin c to dog and cat supplements when their own bodies are capable of making their own?

    I've just been thinking about the vitamin c in my pets supplements and how ';useles'; it is to their biological needs.

    Thanks.Why is there added vitamin c to dog and cat supplements when their own bodies are capable of making their own?
    Vitamin C is used in response to environmental toxins and to stress. Animals probably make enough to deal with what a natural life in a natural environment might be, except that that no longer exists for them! Car exhaust, household chemicals, chemical products used on the pets themselves (flea stuff, etc.), water pollution, air pollution... probably endless! Not to mention the chronic low level stress of living as a pet and not as an animal... confined, lack of simulation, etc.

    The water soluble nutrients tend to not be harmful in excess... such things just make for expensive urine. I supplement dogs with Vitamin C because I think it may be useful, and I think it poses no risk.Why is there added vitamin c to dog and cat supplements when their own bodies are capable of making their own?
    They can't store it like we do, so it's not in their system as long as we hold it in ours. You can get some from sunshine, but if your dog or cat is indoors, they won't be exposed to direct, unfiltered sunlight. Sun through window glass filters out too much.

    Cats who are ill or have their immune system very low can benefit from significantly more vitamin C in their diet.

    Healthy dogs manufacture vitamin C in their livers, healthy cats do it in their intestines. However those that aren't healthy could not be able to do it.

    Do some google searches and look for info on VET SITES, not people's home pages or the standard pet info sites. It's the vet sites that would have accurate information.
    for the benefits of the humans who buy it? We think vitamin C is necessary, as it is for our diets, so we expect to see it in our pets supplements too.

    Also vitamin C is often used as a natural preservative in many foods and supplements as well.
    Why do you take vitamin c tablets? Same reason.

    At work, do you clean the microwave oven after making a mess or seeing someone else's mess?

    If so, do you clean it thoroughly, including the interior top, which a lot of people miss?

    Do you clean up after other people's messes, or just sigh and make the best of a bad situation, such as putting something over your food to prevent potentially germ-laden messes from dropping on it?At work, do you clean the microwave oven after making a mess or seeing someone else's mess?
    Anonymous signs are good in this regard, esp. if it's a larger office. All of the bosses will assume someone else put it up and most people will clean up after themselves.

    I know I clean up after myself + I always cover my food. It keeps my food from splattering in the microwave and contributing to the mess (plus reducing the chance of getting gross stuff on it).At work, do you clean the microwave oven after making a mess or seeing someone else's mess?
    I would clean it up myself cuz I'm a germ freak. I would also leave a note ';IF YOU MAKE A MESS CLEAN IT UP I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER OR WIFE';. Good Luck!!!

    If someone else makes a mess and leaves it and you see them do it tell them to clean it. To me, to leave it would be very disrespectful to the other employees who use it.
    Everyone should clean their own mess but apparently from your question that doesn't happen. If it's easy, be sweet and give it a quick cleaning. If it's worse than that don't use it. Mention it to your boss. It also should be cleaned by the office cleaning crew as part of their job.
    No, this guy comes in in the morning to clean/vacuum and empty the trash cans. But he does a horrible job washing dishes. He leaves stains in the drinking cups. I'd complain, but they're my stains from my chocolate protein shake.
    i clean mine. not theirs. thats what they want. they obviously think that someone's just going to clean up after them so dont do it. honestly i'd go spend money and buy something before i give in and clean up for them. its the principle
    I generally clean it myself. I like it clean and it seems to be staying that way longer these days. Someone must be cleaning it with me.

    Does the phone company Cricket charge you extra for making long distance calls?

    My best friend moved to Austin and I live in Victoria.I want to call her,but I don't want to be charged extra for it.I have a Cricket.Does the phone company Cricket charge you extra for making long distance calls?
    i think it does cost more...can't be sre

    What is the carbon footprint of a commercial snow-making machine?

    Our ';green'; mayor just signed on to help purchase a snow making machine for a city park. We had over a hundred inches of snow here last year. We're in a recession, right? He's putting up $50k from the city for the machine. So how ';green'; is a snow machine?What is the carbon footprint of a commercial snow-making machine?
    Snow machines are very green in comparison to large houses (like Al Gore owns) or large luxury jets (like the kind we supply Pelosi.)

    In the meantime, we get weaker while ManBearPig gets stronger.鈥?/a>

    What is the carbon footprint of a commercial snow-making machine?
    Sounds like your Mayor has too much money to spend. There is no corbin foot print as the plants have already taken care of it.

    How do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?

    I am a christian..I have been most of my life( Im 15 now)

    I believe in christ... but I feel like If I tryed to witness to someone they would ask me questions that I cant answer..(not hard things...but things I should be able to answer...

    How do I make myself more prepared?How do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?
    Seek deeper into the Truth, God's Word and Law, He tells All of us to do this so we won't be decieved, it'll help you and others :-) you can look in the concordance, usually in the back of the Bible for certain subjects, and compare scripture with scripture, converse with God and listen with your heart for answers/guidance :-) God Bless and Keep YouHow do I go about building my faith and making myself more prepared to witness to people?
    Get in the Word, I've found that many of the books in the New Testament have a lot about how to love people, which is the only real way to show them who Jesus is.

    More than anything, pray that God work in you. When we step out in faith and let the Holy Spirit do the talking we are really able to witness. Witness when the door opens, not when you have to open the door (if that makes sense). If the opportunity isn't there don't try to make one, God opens doors at the right time.

    Also, find some adult mentors in your church or youth group that you can talk about it with. I know people who have been through it and have some really great advice about witnessing!

    Always remember love : )
    The best witnessing is one that is shared from your own experiences, your own relationship with Christ. Tell what He has done in your life. It's ok to say, I don't know all the answers but, with you, we can find the answer. And then talk with a minister or other spiritual person you trust. It is important to read God's word daily. This is how we learn and how we prepare ourselves for questions and for facing the world.
    Pray often and everywhere that God will help you to be spiritually awake and a faithful and obedient servant to reach the lost to share a word in season with whomever you meet.

    Read and study the word.

    Share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Participate in a small group bible study.

    Role play witnessing with fellow believers and try the hard questions on each other. is a good place to start looking for tips on evangelizing. They also have a good resource, the evidence bible.
    You should start attending meetings at your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses....

    You will find the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and that is very faith strengthening..

    You will also find the Theocratic Ministry School, which, as the title suggest, is a training aid to help prepare us for our would learn how to answer peoples questions from the Bible, cuz all our beliefs are taken from there.

    Try going to our website and doing some research...
    That's the job of the Holy Spirit

    Acts 1: 8But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
    How about read the Bible and for starters you can read

    Isaiah 42: 1, 5 1 is excually talking about jesus

    and 5 is talking about Gods name or Jesus's Father
    Grow some real thick skin, most of us ';nonbelievers'; don't like being bothered by people like you and will be merciless.
    study the new testament daily.
    Talk to your spiritual teacher for advice not us.
    Study your Bible and pray.
    I have found that an earnest desire to Love our brothers and sisters is paramount.

    Praying earnestly and seeking the will of Jesus for our lives will bring us in submission to Him and allow us to hear what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us.

    Reading the Word Of God helps. Not listening to worldy music, talking about worldy things, or watching worldy movies.

    I am serious, all of these are gateways.

    Satan trys to get through to you through your vision, hearing sense of smell even, your touch, and your taste too! He is very cunning.

    If you desire to be an effective witness for Jesus it repquires a FULL commitment, and I am saying this NOT because I have accomplished this, but because I am just realizing this.

    Pray often, listen to spiritual music, meditate on God's word, and He will POUR out of you mouth. His words will be your words when you step into His world, and live with Him in your borrowed body.

    Hope this helps

    God Bless
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  • What should you do if you're interested in making a website for profit?

    What computer languages should you learn or what books would be good? I've used Frontpage to make an okay website but nothing special. Suppose you have a good idea. How then could you make a site that is profitable?What should you do if you're interested in making a website for profit?
    The easiest way to make a website would be with good 'ol HTML or X HTML. X HTML is a more common programming language and has more flexibility than HTML. However if you want to make a website like Yahoo! Answers or Facebook you would either need some additional programming knowledge in the area's of CSS, Java, and Flash. Another way to make a website very easily with maximum output is to use a program such as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 to build your website. It's full of helpful tools, tips, and can even assist you with making CSS layouts.

    Once your website is up and running and has a very nice look and is something people find useful you can use Google Adsense to place ads on your site. You'll make income for each ad a person clicks.What should you do if you're interested in making a website for profit?
    Google Adsense
    The most successful sites are dynamic, meaning they are built in a scripting language like PHP or Perl, often with Javascript thrown in as well. Many of these sites also use a database system like MySQL.

    What do Hindus offer to The Buddha deity while making offerings?

    I am studying Hinduism, and have the intention of joining the religion, if you're curious why I'm asking such a question!What do Hindus offer to The Buddha deity while making offerings?
    40 ouncers of malt liquor and the finest bunts you can roll...What do Hindus offer to The Buddha deity while making offerings?
    %26gt;There are many commonalities between Sanathana Dharmam(a.k.a.Hinduism) and sri.Gautham Buddha's teachings which crystalised to Buddhism in later years.Among the Shat(6) Dharasanas,both agree on 4-Nyaayam,Vaiseshikam,Saankyam,Yoga(m)--鈥?do NOT agree on Meemaamsam(rituals) and Vedhaantham(Brahmam)=a Supreme Universal Being.--so Buddhism was dubbed as ';Atheism';=Naasthikam

    %26gt;Gauthama Buddha was NOT considered as an Avathaaram (in srimath Bhagavatham of sri.Vyaasa) -till 15-16 th Century A.D.--till the arrival of Europeans in Indian scene--only sri.Jaya Deva first time includes him as an Avathaaram of Vishnu in his ';Ashtapathi';--many orthodox hindus do not accept this.

    %26gt;Buddhism had State patronage under 2 Emperors(Asoka and Harsha Vardhana) during the rule of both Emperors Buddhism was spread all over Indian sub-continent-India,Pakistan,Bangala Desh,Myanmar,Afganistan--only Kashmir(Save Leh,Ladhak) Varanasi(Benares) and Gaya cities,and a small land in deep South India did not accept Buddhism.Acharya SANKARA single handedly, by his brilliant arguments with Buddhists scholars drove away completely Buddhism from Indian sub-continent and a large number of Buddhists became his disciples.-like Todaka Acharya..

    %26gt;but Hindus go to Buddha Viharam and offer flowers and fruits

    P.S.:- Buddhists do not agree Meemaamsam is missing in the main post.
    Buddhism parted from Hinduism 2,500 years ago. So Hindus do not give offerings to them. They may support them because they do not have the interrelation conflict we have in the west.

    There is also another reason why Hindus would not offer to The Buddha deity. There is no Buddhist deity. It is an agnostic religion. The historic Buddha said that god or not - it makes no difference to morality. Good is for goodness sake.
    Anything, but flowers/ fruit/ money are common (as with other dieties).

    Also most of the people who posted above are idiots (and prob not Hindu). Buddha is one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu in the Das Avatara/ Ten Avatars. Buddha is just another minor diety in the large Hindu pantheon. Buddism is also another offshot of Hinduism, like Sikhism and Jainism.
    Actually, Buddha denounced Hinduism. He was Hindu but gave it up and created his own religion after finding enlightenment.

    In fact Buddhsim rejects several teachings of Hinduism

    such as the caste system that is prevalent in Hindu.

    Despite what some here would have to believe there is a distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism and some of the earlier posters are more accurate in their descriptions.
    Woah, where to start:

    1) Hinduism has no connection to Buddhism.

    2) Buddha is not a deity. Most Buddhists are atheists. There's a bit of a conflict there if he were a deity.

    3) Buddhism is less of a religion and more of a philosophy or manner of living.
    most of these people have no idea what they are talking about.鈥?/a>

    the last two paragraphs of this article contradict everything said by most of these other answerers. the guy that wrote the article was a student of yogananda, so i think he knows more than most of the people here

    kyle and themelac know what they're talking about
    Buddhism is not tied to Hinduism at all. They are completely seperate.
    Nothing. They are not Buddhists.

    Which tools are the most important for Traditional Bow Making? Where can I buy them?

    I am buying bow making books for a christmas gift, and I would like to include a couple affordable tools with the book. It has been difficult to find out which tools to buy: a rasp, drawknife, c-clamps, etc---

    If you know which tools are essential and where I can go to buy affordible (under 50$ for all of them) and quality tools that would be great!Which tools are the most important for Traditional Bow Making? Where can I buy them?
    it might be better to get one really high-quality tool rather than several lower-quality ones. quality tools are safer and longer lasting, making them less expensive in the long run.Which tools are the most important for Traditional Bow Making? Where can I buy them?
    Sorry I did not pick best answer for you, you must have slipped this comment in at the last second. Thanks for the advice!! Report Abuse

    If you tell customers how much money you are making off them is it bad?

    I am planning on opening a business that focuses making very little profit 1% from our costs in order to generate more business. Will it be better to hide this cost in the total cost or tell the customer how much we will make for this transaction?If you tell customers how much money you are making off them is it bad?
    Well if your business is relying on the fact that you're making small profit off a consumer, then by all means you must exploit this.If you tell customers how much money you are making off them is it bad?
    I just turned 69 and I have lots of experience in sales through many companies.

    You have to sell benefits %26amp; the benefits have to outweigh the cost and like any other business you need to make a profit to stay in business otherwise so you can offer these benefits to other people to fill their needs. You're not trying to decieve them, you're just being honest and anyway you're not the enemy, you are just trying to fill a need .

    No one person can work without money and if they want to complain ask them to complain about the gas prices or the drug companies that are making over 500 billion a year sell manmade drugs they are the true drug cartels and it's legal with all the side effects.

    everything costs money in order to function and everybody has to make a profit that's why everybody works for money a profit is a profit no matter where you work in our Capitalistic Society. Jesse
    If you are going to use it as a gimmick, Then by all means, tell the customer. But this has a large chance of backfiring due to the fact that most consumers think that all business lie. Plus, it is the general policy for most companies that you never give out such information to a customer. But since it is going to be your own business.... make whatever policy you want to.
    If you can convince the customers with the value added service you are making against this 1%, then it is ok to tell.

    If not, just hide it in the total cost.
    ya you probably wont be in buisness long if its 1% and with economy these days

    Well that usually depends on people should tell might help
    You will not be in business long at 1%
    If u wana earn money online working from home

    then u can joint the online money making programs

    listed here

    work part time n with time your income will

    be more than full time

    What is the best way to transfer an image to the deck of a skim board I am making?

    I am making a skim board and have it all finished and ready for color, but I don't know a good way to transfer my chosen image onto the actual board. I have drawn out a cool pattern of tribal flames onto a large roll of paper in real size, and I thought about using a razor to cut out a stencil that I could spray on, but I don't know how well that will work. Any design or method I could get would be MUCH appreciated.

    Thanks.What is the best way to transfer an image to the deck of a skim board I am making?
    The stencil should work well. A fresh razor and X-acto knife, and acrylic paint, both found at a craft store. Other wise, you'd have to transfer the image to rice paper, either by redrawing, or scanning and printing the image from your computer (that cuts down the size to 8';x11';) Once you have the image on rice paper (also from the craft store), when you fiberglass over it, the paper becomes invisible, but the image remains.

    What NFL teams has the best shot of still making the playoffs if they lost their starter in week 1?

    I know It's a little hypothetical but use your best judgment based on the team's talent.What NFL teams has the best shot of still making the playoffs if they lost their starter in week 1?
    Cowboys, Seahawks, Chargers, Steelers, Colts and PatriotsWhat NFL teams has the best shot of still making the playoffs if they lost their starter in week 1?
    Starter at what position? QB, RB, WR, OL, DE, LB, FS, SS, CB? Most of the top teams would be screwed if they're starting QB went down, others wouldn't be any good if they're starting RB went out, I know the Panthers would probably be terrible if they lost Steve Smith for the season (I know, he's sitting out the first two games). You're going to have to be a bit more specific about the position.

    Well I would say the 49ers, Cardinals, and Dolphins. I'm not saying they would have a good chance to make the playoffs. I'm just saying their chances wouldn't be hurt. The Bears and Ravens as well, they don't have QBs.
    I think the two teams that would be the most ready if taht happened are the Chicago Bears as Rex Grossman as thier back up,and the patriots because they have a rushing QB and a Passing QB(Matt Cassel as back ups for Tom Brady
    Vikings, Jackson is just there to hand off anyway

    edit: the Bears chances would probably go up if they lost every quarterback on the roster! ;)
    - Seattle (Seneca Wallace and Charlie Fry)

    - Patriots (have great receivers for any QB)

    - Browns (Brady Quinn can be dangerous with those recievers)

    - Jaguars (They have a monster defense, and mostly running scheme)
    Seahawks or Cardinals. Hard to decide between one of those two because only 1 of them will make the playoffs, and I think they're pretty even.



    Patriots would squeeze in, Chargers might just make it, Browns have a nice chance I say they are underrated,
    jets.. best offense line

    best QB

    3 good RBS
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  • Is there a substitute for Paraffin Wax in candy making?

    I am going to be making candy for the first time this year as christmas gifts and some of the recipes are calling for paraffin wax, if I can get by without using it I would like to. Any ideas?Is there a substitute for Paraffin Wax in candy making?
    you can buy candy melts with the wax already in it. Almond Bark brand melting chocolate and wilton's candy melts already have the right amount of wax in them to help them set up.Is there a substitute for Paraffin Wax in candy making?
    You can replace the chocolate and paraffin wax with Almond Bark. It is sold on the same aisle with baking goods at the grocery store.

    Why does the White House have over 100 people making 6 figures?

    I read a report there is a freeze on raises for over 100 White house employees making over $100,000. This is reprehensible.Why does the White House have over 100 people making 6 figures?
    because we the dumb asses allow them to.Why does the White House have over 100 people making 6 figures?
    Because those people would most likely be making a good bit more than that in the civilian sector. If it paid much less than it already does, it would be extremely difficult to find qualified people willing to work in government.
    You're right, we should pay them all minimum wage, it's not like our country would suffer as a result or anything by having unqualified dimwits working in the Executive Branch.

    Where do Peruvian artisians buy there raw materials for making jewelry such as earrings and necklaces?

    My friend at work just went there and brought back beautiful jewelry that was crafted there. It was all handmade, even the';loops'; for connecting a piece together. I just wondered where they bought there silver wire and beads from. I mean, I don't think they are buying already-to-finish parts from an AC Moore!Where do Peruvian artisians buy there raw materials for making jewelry such as earrings and necklaces?
    Local mines, most likely. There are plenty of them in that area. They either send the refined metal to a metalworker who makes pieces to specification, or send it straight to the jewler who has been trained in metalworking.Where do Peruvian artisians buy there raw materials for making jewelry such as earrings and necklaces?
    You should check out local craft stores, usually the bigger joann fabrics will have that sort of stuff. Also, you can order many craft supplies online just google it and buying in bulk saves money. There is a ton of stuff out there so get ready for a few days of exploring the craft world !!!!! :)

    Does making your own juicing have the same negative caloric effect as eating the fruits and veggies?

    I am not talking about juice in stores. I make my own juice because its really hard to just eat all the fruits and veggies everyday.Does making your own juicing have the same negative caloric effect as eating the fruits and veggies?
    no, because your body turns food to liquid, and you are already taking in a liquid. its the same as drinking a no-added sugar juice from a shop.

    the only way for a food to be close to negative calories is if you eat it in its most natural form (ie uncooked, unprocessed fresh fruit or veg)Does making your own juicing have the same negative caloric effect as eating the fruits and veggies?
    it's much better to eat the fruit than just drinking all the juice.

    How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?

    My sisters 8 year old kid is out of control .Its all her fault she has 3 kids and on the other kids birthdays she buys the brat a gift too but dont buy the others anything on the brats birthday.

    The brat does stuff like emptys laundry soap on the floor,throws balls in the street when cars are going by .When she is not messing the house up ahe is breaking stuff.

    I know its mean to say about a kid but I dont want her around.

    She never gets in trouble in fact her little sisters are the ones who get punished for the brats bad acts,

    I tell my sister that she dont have friends because no one wants to play with her and adults dont want her over .(I baby sit one day a week and I am loosing my mind) and she just gets mad and Im sure buys the brat a gift..

    By the way she cant afford what she buys her and ends up asking me to pay her rent or some other bill that i cant afford myself.

    What do I do I am getting to the point I dont want them around me at all?How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?
    You really can't say anything to the parents without them resenting you. I like the first answer, reward the good behavior and ignore the bad behavior.How do you get someone to see they are making their kid a huge brat?
    I think you need to be honest with your sister. If you need to tell her you refuse to babysit because of the horrible behavior that goes uncorrected, fine. Stick by your answer, and don't cave in. You should never have to pay your sister's bills. That is enabling her behavior, and not helping at all. She has to learn to be responsible for her bills, and her children. Tough love is effective in cases like this.

    Sounds like that child needs a whole can of whoopass poured on her. There is much strife in that home. You shouldn't be a part of it. Your sister needs to work that out within herself and her kids. If she doesn't, we will all visit that kid in jail.
    It's unusual that she'd treat this child so differently from the others. Does this kid have some problem that the others don't that Sis is trying to make up for?

    You could refuse the rent money unless she gives you the extra gifts the bad kid got.

    I think you have to say that you can't babysit anymore and be clear about why. It probably won't help, but at least you'll be out of the way.
    reward the good behavior

    ignore the bad behavior

    sounds like that kid just needs some attention

    not bribes and gifts, time and guidance and love and teaching

    When making a family tree is the father on the left side or right side?

    I am making a family up to four generations (me, parents, grandparent, great-grandparents). I was wondering if the father has to be on the left side or right side or it doesn't matter?When making a family tree is the father on the left side or right side?
    Generally the Mother is on the right side and the Father is on the left side. If you Google ';Family tree templates'; you will be able to print out blank family trees that you can fill in with the pertinent information.When making a family tree is the father on the left side or right side?
    When using a diagram of the actual tree. It is common for paternal to be on the left and maternal to be on the right. When numbering the people on your tree. You should always be #1, your father will be #2, and your mother will be #3. When numbering grandparents Your grandfather on your father's side would be #4 (or double that of your father) Your grandmother on your father's side would be #5 (or double the # of your father plus 1). Your grandfather on your mother's side #would be 6 (or double that of your mother) and your grandmother on your mother's side would be # 7(or double your mother plus one). Hint males should always be even numbered and females will always be odd numbers. I found this system to be extremely helpful when trying to remember family members with the same namesake. Hope this will help you and good luck.鈥?/a>

    if you google ';family tree'; then click on images, you can find many different graphics versions, many of them pretty elaborate.

    I like the style that you can find on this link, which does not go ';left/ right';, but is more standard with the basic format used by most genealogy programs. On this, the father is always to the TOP.鈥?/a>

    here is another one... that puts father's side to the left and mom to the right. Family crests/ coats of arms don't belong to ';families';, but it might be nice to put a photo of you in the middle of this type chart.
    I think generally he is. I don't think it really matters all that much, but I would be consistent throughout the tree. If you put your father on the right, put all of the men on to the right of their wives. If you put him on the left, put all of them to the left of their wives.
    The mother is always on the right side, the father is always on the wrong side.
    Yes, when you start, the father's side would be first.
    Father is on left side
  • toner refill
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  • Im making a business card and it says I can change the color scheme. Whats a color scheme?

    In the color scheme I choose its called baby and has 4 colors in aline they are: blue pink green and yellow. So what does it mean?Im making a business card and it says I can change the color scheme. Whats a color scheme?
    The color scheme is the group of colors on your card.

    Like now, they are blue, pink, green, and yellow. On the other color schemes the colors are different. Ike, maybe theres one called ocean with dark blue, light blue, aqua, navy. Get the idea?Im making a business card and it says I can change the color scheme. Whats a color scheme?
    It depends on what program you're using but generally those are the colors for a template or ';pre-designed'; card and they show what colors certain parts of the card will be. Like the background is one color, the text is another color and so on.
    A colour scheme is just a group of coordinated, preset colours. If you go to your Yahoo 360 page, you can choose the colour scheme of the layout. Each colour is different for each part of the layout, i.e. foreground, background, text, and

    A color scheme is like a main color for the whole thing
    i guess it means you should(if you do)have more words that dont have any colors put colors to those
    It's the colors that are used throughout the card- like the first color should be the main color used, then the next would be for less important words, then so on and so on. It just means that those are the colors that will be found on the card.
    a color scheme is two ore mor colors together like if you paint a house two colors it has a color scheme

    Could the possible meteor strike in Peru actually be making the people who visit the site ill?

    Wouldn't the heat of entry through our atmosphere pretty well sterelize it of any virus or bacteria?Could the possible meteor strike in Peru actually be making the people who visit the site ill?

    There remain doubts that this 'lake' was even formed by a meteorite impact. People may or may not have seen a streak in the sky but the truth is that 'lakes' such as this are quite common in the area. What is even more common is the putrid fumes that come from them.

    There is nothing unique or mysterious about meteorites striking the Earth. It happens every day. Because most fall in remote areas or in oceans, only about ten are recovered each year. NONE of these have ever carried any hint of some mysterious space disease. ';I don't know of any known record of a meteorite landing that emitted odors so noxious that people got sick from it,'; said geologist Larry Grossman of the University of Chicago.

    Unlike the immediate hype surrounding the first reports which stated hundreds had become ill, we find the number is now at 30.

    Since very few actual fragments have been found, the report now is that local villagers have taken most of the meteorite fragments!

    The story seems to be more and more fabricated as scientific study is being conducted at the site.

    I guess when you live in a small town in Peru, this is the biggest thing to get you on the front news page so you might as well milk the most of it while you can. I will remain skeptical of a meteorite impact until such is actually proven.

    Meanwhile, it appears to be a good way to get some tourist income for the town.Could the possible meteor strike in Peru actually be making the people who visit the site ill?
    I'm sorry, I got so carried away with my views on the Peru event that I lost track of answering the question properly... It is true that bacteria and amino acids can survive inside of a meteorite or comet that impacts Earth, Report Abuse

    This is a common theme in the theory of Panspermia.

    Environments exist within meteorites or comets that are somewhat shielded from the hazards of radiation, cosmic rays, and stellar winds. Report Abuse

    Most of the heat generated when a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere is carried away by ablation and the interiors of freshly landed meteorites are rarely heated much and are often cold. This still in no way implies illness to humans. Report Abuse

    the meteorite (meteors are only in the sky) punched a hole down into a water table that was contaminated with arsenic. this arsenic was then expelled from the hole with the water as steam and when people breathed it in they got sick. a few days later everyone was fine.

    bacteria or viruses... viri? could have survived inside of the rock remember the entire rock was sitting out in space for billions of years then it flew through the atmosphere for less than a second so most of it would still be quite cold inside, only the outside would get warm.

    so in theory a meteorite could bring a virus or bacteria to earth.. but odds are that this one didn't.
    It wasn't a meteor; it was a geyser.
    Probably not.

    The recent meteor strike in Peru caused worldwide attention when it impacted Earth, and many people in the immediate vicinity fell ill.

    Most likely what occured at the impact site was that there were already pathogens present underground, and the meteor impact just exposed those pathogens to the atmosphere, resulting in many cases of nausea, vomiting, etc...
    Doesn't that depend if the meteor was hollow or not? I know they usually are solid but what if...